
A collection of Points made by Steve Or Steven Read

 the unfortunate reality of technology today .. "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources" .. Albert Einstein
 "Man's Idea For Tweet Just Pops Into His Mind Almost Fully Formed" -The Onion
 "Once seated in this busy bum beanery, we indulged our palates with gusto before again rushing back to the shop." -Neal Cassady
 its not hoarding if its ORGANIZED
 "Don't scoff at the lost coins of children. They can make you wealthy." -Charles L. Garrett (metal detector god)
 "Chess is a complete waste of time." -Bob Barker's Wife
 "Chess is a complete waste of time." -Muhammad Ali
 "Chess is a complete waste of time." -Julie Hagerty
 "Chess is a complete waste of time." -Carrot Top