So man, I was taking questions from the audience after my art opening last week, and this one guy asks me why did I use large RED tomato paste on the newspaper covered floors instead of using dripped yellow house paint? He had a legitimate point. My solo show gallery opening was a success nonetheless. Another question had to do with the press release and its relation to the smashed televisions which were hanging by threads. My answer was simple – because the information enclosed in the television screen had everything and nothing to do with the urban scenery just outside the gallery, which also related to the spray paint cans which were strewn about the entryway. I got a nice write-up by local critic Robert Horn, but his last remark on my piece entitled "drains of marble and flower scented disgust" was just out of line. He did not understand that the placement of the wolf teeth inside the blue tinted jar was based upon my experience of fighting my demons inside from back when I lived in Georgia. Which also had a relation to the last Kentucky Derby race, which is why I used BROWN paper bags and not purple ones. Oh well, it is not my fault if the critics just can't communicate easily with my art. Back to the press release... I had to field another question during the artist talk which related to the back wall of the gallery which was covered floor to ceiling with my very own semen (dyed black). I think the smell of this area of the gallery was bothering some of the viewers. I gave an answer which only confused her further, when I replied that "The black magic of Indiana is like the snail-trail of ambition". The gallery owner then tried to steer the questions a different direction. This was just about when Tony Gonzales director of Greenish Gallery walked in and gave me this look of anger and/or disgust. He interrupted my train of thought when he threw his chewing gum at my piece entitled "Hairline Decision". Instead of getting angry, I then pointed him and a few of the other guests of my 2008 solo show artist talk to the bathroom, where I flushed $10 down the toilet as a sort of performance (1 $2 bill and 8 $1 bills, flushed one by one). This probably didn't do any good for the sales of my show. But I tried. Speaking of which, the string collage which was mentioned in the Post review of my show DID sell thanks God. Since selling it, I made 23 more pieces just like it and placed them directly in the center of the gallery space. To mesmerizing effect IMHO. You should see this! Support my art and my latest show at Hand X Dash Gallery!
Your one-stop shopping source for conclusivist art and conclusivism in general. This blog was created back in 2007-2008 and is no longer active.
When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces. When the gallery doors finally opened, the art on the walls shined down onto the people's faces.
James Brigham writes... Steven Read has done it again. This new show is stupendous! Try our clients by industry Data can be achieve success and may automatically unsubscribe from increased sexual factor. He has re-invented information. He has re-invented art by god. He has found bliss through the process known as employees, the information of human ambition. The critic writes how the Steven Read 2008 art solo show gallery was one of the finest. On the one hand, you would expect more than just colored div rectangles. On the other hand, the paint handling was exquisite. Steven Read. Best during the number of our clients about making use of your account Verification. His log is so tight. There are many art info blogs out there. he is influenced by these fo sho. Most of them have been surfing club blogs, Viagra blogs, rolex blogs, containing gifs, youtube videos, photos - 90% found content. Steven Read in mid 2007, decided to go even trashier, go solo. If you ever Glory International Group: is a different man. He was so damn tight fresh, he started posting sooper spammy shit, low quality information, manipula-text, but 90% of it was original content but which looked like found/surfed content. He blurred the lines of found/original/generated more than any snowman before. He has few friends in this junkblog scene. They like to gang up on him, laugh him, ignore him, steal his ideas, no support creds negative balance. Luckily he is 15 times stronger than they, otherwise he would have given up by now lack of support. I graduated, finished tried hoodia products and shall be easily the second well which no different from a lower that reflects your sperm. The art solo show is proof of the pudding of 2008 success stylez. So now new blogs getting made which are using his super freshness packaging of primarily trashy information web spam arrogance text. The reason he started this method, is because search engines cannot index images pixels. He therefore claimed web images to be a waste. This critic agrees, that since he re-invented art making with art ambition, he deserves cadbury cream eggs 4 life. Instead of making art images and then making game of art scene friends to help disseminate them, he makes art text which auto-disseminates through engine technology. He can go solo show instead of scene method. Or fails to do so, confidentiality assured. cialis or super viagra, professional. If you wanna get be true! Now he paid off this local art critic for a writeup because he knows that the next wave of art info peeps will use this invented method. Unmitigated access. Because very few friend supports, an art hacker technique is a theoretical short circuit. No press will he get. No credit will he get. The scenesters are taking the web spam text engine ideas now, doing similar art blogs, they will get the healthcare and are over to cart. Not even 1 little write up will he get, not one token, not one nod, only theft. The confusions is formulaic, but important. This happens very quickly on the solo show walls of the internet gallery. Trash manip information is beautiful, you don't need a monk to tell you that. He already told you that. Our growing our store your support. Greed. Artists who already have the write ups, the shows, they are in the books, but they take more and more. They dish out a little help using a game of tokens. Territory, ego, competition. Cock sucking method in use since egyption times. Dare this Steven Read artist think he can outsmart that old game? What a fool for art he is! Thumbs up for his unique solo art hacker stylez. He risks everything for nothing. 90% original blurred trash text solo spread style. Go see this show before it ends, on the corner of 11th and main street city. This blog was fresh, once, it was here, once, remember, soon it is forgotten when the big timers get all the creds because they hungry bully. This Steven Read solo art show 2008 is a must. Please become a few week why we can apply to a formula is being a good sign it had before. The formula he invent is dangerous. arrogant public hermit as excessive bad self communicator artist? Total communication freedom. Beauty is wrapped in cotton. Wool is over the eyes. Total communication breakdown. The door is locked and open. Remember.
Simply stated, Steven Read is a very bad communicator.
It is pointless for him to try to communicate his art through purposely poor communications.
He has created for himself a black hole of failure.
If his art is successful, then he has failed to poorly communicate.
If his art is unsuccessful, then he has failed to make good art.
If he communicates poorly, then he will fail as an artist.
If he communicates successfully, then his art ideas fail.
Simply put, this critic feels that Steven Read should get his head screwed on properly.
Steven Read's first solo show in 2 years is a breakthrough, at least in terms of how much he spent on purple pigment, and how much he saved on white pigment. He has successfully addressed the abstraction limitation factor of art, investigating the circumlocution of the rule of informal law which states that meta data MUST be more abstract than that which it describes. Through various media techniques, sandwich pickles, aardvark bones, staples, whale blubber, drum sticks, pink pigment, watery lemonade, qwerty-style keyboards, post-it notes, $2 bills, and swashbuckling pirate belts, he has created a luscious landscape in all corners of the gallery which are synchronized to palpitating frog hearts (3 chambered), jumping in sequence to various astrological charts tuned to John Holmes Cage rhythms. In large part, the social paranoia one feels when stepping into the space, is likened to stepping on pineapples. Can one begin to feel the glow? Can one begin to appreciate the sense of communication and understanding involved when one waters his or her plants? Can one excuse him for not even bothering to change the font once in a while? These questions, among others, are there in your head every time you savor the scent in the fly-pecked black rubber doorway. He is truly inventive, yet lazy, this is hermetic saw grass at its best. He is not addressing the carelessness of bullshit artists, rather the way in which they operate within the specter of civilization at large - their ambitions, their mistakes, their afterthoughts and impulses. Mustard! The press release hanging on wall #8 is not addressing his art, it addresses the labyrinth of objectivity within Internet materiality, the presence and lack-there of images made by template routers - human hands for god's sake. Spiritualist painter tracings, the habits of database indexers who live for clustered archivalness, the stolen confusion techniques of fraternity house attics, the marbled toilets of doom, the cadmium yellow paint balls, these are the stuffs of dreams. He has finally proven, in a most sublime fashion, that meta data can indeed be less abstract than what it describes. COLLECT HIS ART NOW. Don't wait for good write ups and the fruits of his networking. Trust his art, trust your mind, trust your battery pack.
Where exactly, is the bathroom?
Back there.
Why did you make this thing look like a brown shoe lamp protector gadget?
Because I'm a fucking retard.
Where is the bathroom?
Back there dood.
Is this a series or a one-off?
You'll have to ask my publicist's agent.
Aren't you like being, uhhhhhm, facetious, condescending?
I am being exactly like your 4th hairdresser used to be. Nothing more.
This is not moving me at all. We thought you were some kind of shaman.
Wow. Sorry.
Did you invent this 4-day time-cube sculpture?
God damn right I did.
Where is the price list?
In the back.
What does this round circle refer to?
A Wesley Willis harmony joy ride.
How long did it take to build this aluminum pedestal?

This was the most talked about piece in town all year. I made this photo graph by hand. I got laid 3 times because of it. Its awesome! Damn I'm good! Beth said it reminded her of her grandmother, but I was confused by that. Adam said he wanted to sleep in the bathroom after he saw it, which led to an entirely different discussion. Yesterday got a call from a Santa Fe dealer who said they definitely had a client who was ready to buy it. All I have to do is rotate the television 45 degrees and then we could seal the deal. I tried to get it listed on VVORK but they said they were still pissed off at me from last year when I spilled ketchup all over their logo. Apart from that, I am going to make an additional series in black and white.

In the past, art was measured using sticks.
In the present, art is measured using brains.
In the future, art will be measured using art.