Post»Most Famous Art Piece from my 2008 Solo Show at Scooby Gallery

Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Monday, March 31, 2008 at 3:20 PM to the Conclusivity Blog

This was the most talked about piece in town all year. I made this photo graph by hand. I got laid 3 times because of it. Its awesome! Damn I'm good! Beth said it reminded her of her grandmother, but I was confused by that. Adam said he wanted to sleep in the bathroom after he saw it, which led to an entirely different discussion. Yesterday got a call from a Santa Fe dealer who said they definitely had a client who was ready to buy it. All I have to do is rotate the television 45 degrees and then we could seal the deal. I tried to get it listed on VVORK but they said they were still pissed off at me from last year when I spilled ketchup all over their logo. Apart from that, I am going to make an additional series in black and white.