Post»Belated 2008 Solo Show Press Release

Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Saturday, March 29, 2008 at 10:05 PM to the Conclusivity Blog

Steven Read's first solo show in 2 years is a breakthrough, at least in terms of how much he spent on purple pigment, and how much he saved on white pigment. He has successfully addressed the abstraction limitation factor of art, investigating the circumlocution of the rule of informal law which states that meta data MUST be more abstract than that which it describes. Through various media techniques, sandwich pickles, aardvark bones, staples, whale blubber, drum sticks, pink pigment, watery lemonade, qwerty-style keyboards, post-it notes, $2 bills, and swashbuckling pirate belts, he has created a luscious landscape in all corners of the gallery which are synchronized to palpitating frog hearts (3 chambered), jumping in sequence to various astrological charts tuned to John Holmes Cage rhythms. In large part, the social paranoia one feels when stepping into the space, is likened to stepping on pineapples. Can one begin to feel the glow? Can one begin to appreciate the sense of communication and understanding involved when one waters his or her plants? Can one excuse him for not even bothering to change the font once in a while? These questions, among others, are there in your head every time you savor the scent in the fly-pecked black rubber doorway. He is truly inventive, yet lazy, this is hermetic saw grass at its best. He is not addressing the carelessness of bullshit artists, rather the way in which they operate within the specter of civilization at large - their ambitions, their mistakes, their afterthoughts and impulses. Mustard! The press release hanging on wall #8 is not addressing his art, it addresses the labyrinth of objectivity within Internet materiality, the presence and lack-there of images made by template routers - human hands for god's sake. Spiritualist painter tracings, the habits of database indexers who live for clustered archivalness, the stolen confusion techniques of fraternity house attics, the marbled toilets of doom, the cadmium yellow paint balls, these are the stuffs of dreams. He has finally proven, in a most sublime fashion, that meta data can indeed be less abstract than what it describes. COLLECT HIS ART NOW. Don't wait for good write ups and the fruits of his networking. Trust his art, trust your mind, trust your battery pack.