
A collection of Points made by Steve Or Steven Read

 it takes twenty years to ruin a reputation and five minutes to build it
 washing a tub full of brown hippos is like scoring a few hands full of zippers but without the hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian strings or at least that is what my father always told me when he was a boy growing up in that dreary nabisco factory in leipzig
 wait a minute i'm don pardo. u always get to be don pardo.
 con ceptual integrity is a con game
 lost opportunity is a virtue
 sometimes my art is really terrible. please support my art.
 i got babylon blisters on my twinkies®
 yum dumb from some slum just told me that i am an idiot but what shut cut up mutt guts do they know anyways i mean really so silly .. afterwards i walked into some barber shop and he told me to cut it out and i told him that i wanted to marry his daughter