Spent a good chunk of time and energy this year building this website for the NYPL. "Make a Splash... Read!" is the government mandated Summer Reading theme nationwide for 2010. Just following orders.
In totally unrelated news, I recently made this page about some biological research that I performed in 1993-1994. It's a must read.
Check this possibly related info... been spending some time "image chatting" at dump.fm [marginally work-safe content warning]. As soon as I had finished documenting the aforementioned fish feeding research, I went to do some dumping and someone randomly posted this animated GIF which is based on a video that I had *just* linked to here as it was made by the same professor I had studied with! (Wainwright's ultra high speed chomping Epibulus insidiator). This sort of accidental connectivity is just one of the many reasons I enjoy my sessions at dump.fm. And for reasons yet undisclosed I have decided to attempt a restriction of my activity there to the cultural microcosms of C.H.O.M.P.S. and C.H.U.D.!? More on the dumping stuff another day.
OK finally, because I'm crazy for these big thumbnail grids, I made an archive of 1500 generative color studies from an older project. Explore these grotesque images at your own peril.