
A collection of Points made by Steve Or Steven Read

 never use the theremin on more than one song
an ant with a little bit of leaf is like an ant with an african mask
 an ant with a little bit of leaf is like an ant with an african mask
shards de varese intercontemporain der blaue reiter
 shards de varese intercontemporain der blaue reiter
 metal is technology .. ruthless consumption .. advancement is key .. otherwise be doomed .. a wasteland of progress
 punk rock .. fashionable non-conformism .. cowardice? .. i think not
Picture No. 8 Catacombae in B minor
 Picture No. 8 "Catacombae" in B minor
 and then john said .. praise the blackbird with broken wings all his life while waiting for moments to sing and live and be free in the dead of night .. so sayeth the bible i think in versus 23
 new york is alright .. if you like saxophones .. which i actually do like .. but i do not like new york
heat spell of pictureplane
 heat spell of pictureplane
 when was the last time you listened to album by generic flipper?