
A collection of Points made by Steve Or Steven Read

 do birds even care?
Shrimp Shoot 01Shrimp Shoot 02Shrimp Shoot 03Shrimp Shoot 04Shrimp Shoot 07Shrimp Shoot 08Shrimp Shoot 09Shrimp Shoot 10Shrimp Shoot 06Shrimp Shoot 11Shrimp Shoot 12
 Sidewalk Shrimp Shoot
and this even more marvelous thing was found in the test database where i work
 and this even more marvelous thing was found in the test database where i work
some people make digital stuff out of anchovies too i guess
 some people make digital stuff out of anchovies too i guess
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 Theme from Lumpy Gravy - Pony Tab
this guy knew some pigeons by name for instance here fluffy fluffy
 this guy knew some pigeons by name for instance "here fluffy fluffy"
if i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduckif i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduck
 if i was still on dump.fm i would get way deep into the world of psyduck
i just like this one
 i just like this one
 animals seen (and counted) .. 1 bear, 6 deers, 8 wild ponies, 1 fox and 1 skunk, 2 little mice, 4 wild turkies, 3 grouse, 10 trout, 1 snake, 2 skinks and 7 salamanders