Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Friday, November 9, 2007 at 10:40 AM
Mobile photograph of an oil painting I purchased recently at auction for $50 which features a monkey queen in the forest holding a giant, sweating pencil. The artist name appears to be 'Kilian'. Since I have stared and stared at it and can't seem to figure it out, finding it to be conceptually uncommunicative, I declare it to be conclusivist, and fucking awesome.
Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Friday, November 9, 2007 at 12:55 PM
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hashbrowns |
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bacon |
bacon |
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hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
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eggs |
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bacon |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
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eggs |
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hashbrowns |
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eggs |
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bacon |
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okra |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
bacon |
bacon |
bacon |
bacon |
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eggs |
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okra |
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hashbrowns |
eggs |
bacon |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
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bacon |
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bacon |
milk |
eggs |
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bacon |
hashbrowns |
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bacon |
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bacon |
bacon |
bacon |
bacon |
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hashbrowns |
bacon |
eggs |
eggs |
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bacon |
bacon |
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bacon |
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bacon |
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hashbrowns |
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bacon |
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bacon |
eggs |
eggs |
eggs |
bacon |
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bacon |
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eggs |
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lettuce |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
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milk |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
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bacon |
hashbrowns |
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hashbrowns |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
bacon |
eggs |
milk |
bacon |
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broccoli |
bacon |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
eggs |
broccoli |
hashbrowns |
lettuce |
hashbrowns |
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eggs |
bacon |
lettuce |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
sprouts |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
milk |
hashbrowns |
broccoli |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
sprouts |
bacon |
bacon |
eggs |
spinach |
eggs |
bacon |
milk |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
lettuce |
bacon |
eggs |
lettuce |
eggs |
bacon |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
milk |
bacon |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
asparagi |
broccoli |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
spinach |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
bacon |
bacon |
broccoli |
bacon |
bacon |
peas |
bacon |
bacon |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
eggs |
bacon |
eggs |
peas |
eggs |
bacon |
eggs |
bacon |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
asparagi |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
peas |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
eggs |
milk |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
asparagi |
bacon |
broccoli |
bacon |
eggs |
sprouts |
lettuce |
bacon |
milk |
bacon |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
okra |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
bacon |
okra |
eggs |
eggs |
eggs |
eggs |
bacon |
bacon |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
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peas |
eggs |
eggs |
bacon |
eggs |
spinach |
bacon |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
eggs |
asparagi |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
peas |
asparagi |
eggs |
lettuce |
bacon |
asparagi |
hashbrowns |
lettuce |
hashbrowns |
milk |
eggs |
bacon |
broccoli |
hashbrowns |
spinach |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
eggs |
eggs |
spinach |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
okra |
eggs |
sprouts |
bacon |
asparagi |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
asparagi |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
spinach |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
eggs |
spinach |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
broccoli |
eggs |
sprouts |
spinach |
milk |
eggs |
bacon |
bacon |
eggs |
eggs |
asparagi |
eggs |
okra |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
bacon |
bacon |
broccoli |
eggs |
peas |
bacon |
bacon |
bacon |
eggs |
spinach |
broccoli |
okra |
bacon |
bacon |
sprouts |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
bacon |
eggs |
bacon |
eggs |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
lettuce |
eggs |
lettuce |
hashbrowns |
peas |
bacon |
eggs |
broccoli |
hashbrowns |
spinach |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
eggs |
bacon |
bacon |
asparagi |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
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bacon |
milk |
bacon |
bacon |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
bacon |
bacon |
eggs |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
okra |
spinach |
eggs |
bacon |
eggs |
asparagi |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
peas |
bacon |
bacon |
okra |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
eggs |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
spinach |
peas |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
eggs |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
lettuce |
hashbrowns |
sprouts |
eggs |
eggs |
okra |
lettuce |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
peas |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
bacon |
bacon |
bacon |
bacon |
eggs |
lettuce |
milk |
hashbrowns |
asparagi |
eggs |
eggs |
broccoli |
bacon |
eggs |
eggs |
okra |
okra |
bacon |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
okra |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
eggs |
eggs |
sprouts |
spinach |
bacon |
bacon |
asparagi |
spinach |
peas |
eggs |
bacon |
eggs |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
bacon |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
peas |
hashbrowns |
asparagi |
peas |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
milk |
broccoli |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
eggs |
bacon |
bacon |
spinach |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
milk |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
bacon |
sprouts |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
bacon |
eggs |
bacon |
bacon |
eggs |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
bacon |
okra |
lettuce |
bacon |
okra |
bacon |
eggs |
peas |
lettuce |
okra |
broccoli |
bacon |
bacon |
sprouts |
milk |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
bacon |
eggs |
eggs |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
eggs |
bacon |
broccoli |
asparagi |
bacon |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
eggs |
bacon |
milk |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
spinach |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
eggs |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
eggs |
asparagi |
hashbrowns |
okra |
bacon |
lettuce |
bacon |
peas |
bacon |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
peas |
hashbrowns |
milk |
eggs |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
broccoli |
asparagi |
eggs |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
asparagi |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
peas |
lettuce |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
okra |
hashbrowns |
broccoli |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
eggs |
bacon |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
lettuce |
broccoli |
eggs |
asparagi |
bacon |
sprouts |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
asparagi |
broccoli |
eggs |
milk |
hashbrowns |
sprouts |
eggs |
bacon |
lettuce |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
eggs |
broccoli |
lettuce |
broccoli |
asparagi |
bacon |
asparagi |
bacon |
eggs |
bacon |
spinach |
hashbrowns |
lettuce |
lettuce |
spinach |
bacon |
milk |
broccoli |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
sprouts |
bacon |
sprouts |
eggs |
eggs |
sprouts |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
milk |
hashbrowns |
peas |
hashbrowns |
milk |
bacon |
sprouts |
milk |
lettuce |
broccoli |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
eggs |
eggs |
lettuce |
milk |
hashbrowns |
lettuce |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
sprouts |
okra |
sprouts |
eggs |
eggs |
eggs |
eggs |
asparagi |
spinach |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
broccoli |
lettuce |
hashbrowns |
broccoli |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
peas |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
milk |
bacon |
eggs |
bacon |
bacon |
eggs |
eggs |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
hashbrowns |
peas |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
hashbrowns |
bacon |
hashbrowns |
peas |
hashbrowns |
eggs |
eggs |
Sometimes you get alot of bacon.
Sometimes you don't.
Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Monday, November 19, 2007 at 11:42 AM
Slammin' Botchilism
Corn Flake Diasaster
Roach Motel Guest
Crazy Horse Saloon
Geared Up Pooper-Scooper
Elephantitus Of The
Verified Labor Agreement
Joseph Fortinibrau
Robotic Armatrons
Flaky User Friendliness
Love In An Elevator
Stories Of Old
Western Landscape Logic
Toothed Mouthed Feets
Richard Prince Mobile
Thatcher And Brother
Rivers Of Snakes and
Rototoms Circled By
Super Friendly Rhythms
York Is Newer
Qwests For Light
And Gold For
Chief Wiggam
Art Theory Plunge
Mortified Band Leader
Sooper Fried Gar
Hot Dog Flavored Painting
Website is Valid
Slammin' Botchilism
Corn Flake Diasaster
Roach Motel Guest
Crazy Horse Saloon
Geared Up Pooper-Scooper
Elephantitus Of The
Verified Labor Agreement
Joseph Fortinibrau
Robotic Armatrons
Flaky User Friendliness
Love In An Elevator
Stories Of Old
Western Landscape Logic
Toothed Mouthed Feets
Richard Prince Mobile
Thatcher And Brother
Rivers Of Snakes and
Rototoms Circled By
Super Friendly Rhythms
York Is Newer
Qwests For Light
And Gold For
Chief Wiggam
Art Theory Plunge
Mortified Band Leader
Sooper Fried Gar
Hot Dog Flavored Painting
Website is Valid
Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Monday, November 19, 2007 at 12:49 PM
Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 at 2:16 PM
The Recessive Genes
The Shooters
The Life Forces
The Bank Buildings
The Uselessness
The Logograms
The Ebola Virus
The Mixtures
The Histocompatibility Complexes
The Veterinary Surgeons
The Olfactory Sensations
The Building Supply Stores
The Tummy Crunches
The Sun-worships
The Eliots
The Leopard Plants
The Substitutions
The Winslows
The Crude Oils
The Homogenized Milks
The Chichipes
The Divorcements
The Scuffles
The Shelf Lifes
The Lepus Arcticus
The Sitkas
The Hydromantes Brunus
The Chemosorptions
The Sickbeds
The Soluble RNAs
The Pseudopodiums
The Stock-takes
The Republic of Sierra Leones
The Proctoplasties
The Slave States
The Idolisers
The Wasp Waists
The Crotalaria Spectabilis
The Sugar Syrups
The Monoamine Oxidases
The Dimwits
The Ixodes Persulcatus
The Feluccas
The Vienna Sausages
The Shingle Trees
The Sekhets
The Toggle Joints
The Divinities
The Patriarchal Cross
The Transvestisms
Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Monday, November 26, 2007 at 12:43 PM
Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Monday, November 26, 2007 at 1:20 PM
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