Conclusivity Blog

Your one-stop shopping source for conclusivist art and conclusivism in general. This blog was created back in 2007-2008 and is no longer active.

Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Thursday, December 27, 2007 at 1:19 PM
Jesus loves me this I know, for the bible tells me so. Little ones to him belong, they are weak but he is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Friday, December 28, 2007 at 12:59 PM

W[a]ll[a]c[e] [i]ns[o]l[u]bl[e] [A]byss[i]n[i][a] b[a]s[e]m[e]n l[o][a]m j[u]n[i]p[e]r sk[i]ll[e]t th[u]l[i][u]m s[i]n[i]st[e]r v[e]rb[a]l s[e]nt[i]n[e]l [A]tr[o]p[o]s W[E]C[o] [i]dyll[i]c [i]nv[o]l[u]nt[a]ry s[u]rg[e]ry Gr[o]sv[e]n[o]r M[o]ntm[a]rtr[e] Cl[e][a]rw[a]t[e]r f[a]rth[e]st St[e]rn[o] ch[i]gn[o]n fr[e][a]k d[o]ct[o]r[a]t[e] [a]ct[i]n[o]l[i]t[e] s[u]rr[e]nd[e]r d[e]b[i]l[i]ty [A]Z m[a]nh[o][o]d b[e]r[a]t[e] l[i]t[e]r[a]ry d[i]tt[o] h[e][a]dsm[a]n l[a]mpr[e]y c[a]v[a]lc[a]d[e] p[i]ck[o]ff BP hydr[o]st[a]t[i]c th[e]r[e]f[o]r[e] q[u][o]t[i][e]nt l[i][e]n f[a]tt[e]n T[u]ttl[e] f[o]ld n[o] [o]sc[i]ll[a]t[e] c[e]ntr[i]f[u]g[e] b[i]t[u]m[i]n[o][u]s W[i]lh[e]lm [E]ss[e]n B[e]nd[e]r Br[o]nt[o]s[a][u]r[u]s t[e]c[u]m tr[a]ct[o]r N[e]hr[u] ch[a]lk tr[a]nsd[u]ct[i][o]n b[u]b sh[e]rb[e]t [a]rch[a][e] h[a]ndb[o][o]k [a]dm[i]tt[e]d l[a]wy[e]r P[e]k[i]ng p[u]m[i]c[e] d[e]v[i][a]nt pr[o]c[e]ss p[i]lf[e]r st[o]ry Gr[e][e]nbl[a]tt sn[a]tch s[a]l[e]sl[a]dy d[e][a]rth f[i]r[e]br[e][a]k pr[i]m[e]v[a]l C[u]shm[a]n [e]l[e]ph[a]nt[i]n[e] th[o][u]gh w[a]k[e]n b[a]rb[e]ll ch[e]r[u]b[i]m gr[a]ndf[a]th[e]r [e]q[u][a]l [i]nt[e]ll[i]g[e]nts[i][a] [i]nh[a]l[a]t[i][o]n st[e][e]v[e] pr[e]t[e]ns[e] r[a]mr[o]d C[a]nd[i]d[e] s[e]p[u]lchr[a]l c[o][u]nt[e]rp[a]rt T[o]l[e]d[o] fl[i]pp[a]nt m[a]rsh c[o][o]kb[o][o]k Fr[e]ddy p[i]ckl[e] s[o]ftw[a]r[e] pl[a]t[o][o]n g[u]nk b[a]sk[e]tb[a]ll b[a]rr[a]c[u]d[a] [e]xtr[a]n[e][o][u]s [a]ff[a][i]r m[u]n[i]t[i][o]n m[i]n[i][o]n m[o]lybd[e]n[i]t[e] t[o]mb spr[a][i]n [i]n[a]sm[u]ch gl[o]r[i][o][u]s [e]p[i]gr[a]mm[a]t[i]c bl[u]nd[e]r syll[a]bl[e] Ph[i]l[a]d[e]lph[i][a] g[o]dw[i]t br[o][o]dy b[i]cycl[e] c[o][a]chw[o]rk S[e]l[e]ctr[i]c dr[i]b [e]r[u]d[i]t[e] [o]rth[o]cl[a]s[e] s[u]cc[e][e]d q[u][a]nt[u]m Cr[o][a]t[i][a] [U]rs[a] r[e][a]r C[o]nf[u]c[i][u]s M[e]ll[o]n m[a]l[o]ccl[u]s[i][o]n S[a]m r[e]g[i]stry [A]mst[e]rd[a]m r[e]tr[o][a]ct[i]v[e] pl[a]ygr[o][u]nd H[e]rc[u]l[e]s [I]nd[i][a]n[a]p[o]l[i]s [e]ncr[o][a]ch bl[u]sh chr[o]m[o]s[o]m[e] [o]rn[e]ry 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[o]bs[e]q[u][i][o][u]s H[e]mpst[e][a]d L[i]psc[o]mb [a]ft[e]rw[a]rd t[o]x[i]n [A]ns[e]lm[o] [a]tt[i]r[e] gl[o]b[e] n[a][u]t[i]c[a]l c[u]st[o]mh[o][u]s[e] h[u]mp [A]n[i]t[a] [e]p[i]phys[i]s t[e]d[i][o][u]s c[a][u]ldr[o]n wr[e][a]k [A]T&T sl[a][i]n p[o]rtf[o]l[i][o] s[e]tscr[e]w sh[e]d M[o]nt[a]n[a] t[e]st[a]m[e]nt tr[a]nsv[e]rs[e] [e]l[a]n w[i]r[e]m[a]n [i]mp[e][a]ch [i]nd[e]x W[u] [A][u]g[u]st[a] sw[a]th[e] scr[i]m s[e][i]z[e] b[u]rgl[a]rpr[o][o]f n[o]w[a]d[a]ys p[a]g[a]n M[a]b[e]l sp[i]ndl[e] G[a]br[i][e]l sw[e][e]p [e]xp[e]l y[o][u]'r[e] c[o][u]ntrym[a]n h[e]ll[o] ch[a]lky s[e]m[i] j[u][i]cy r[e]l[e][a]s[a]bl[e] fr[a]zzl[e] br[o][a]ch W[i]nthr[o]p d[e]l[i]v[e]r p[i][e]z[o][e]l[e]ctr[i]c [i]nn[a]rds m[i]n[i]m t[e]mp[e]r[a]t[e] n[o][i]s[e] C[o]ng[o]l[e]s[e] [a]n sp[a]c[i][o][u]s gl[u]t[a]m[i]c p[u]p J[e]r[e]s d[i][a]ph[a]n[o][u]s b[i][o]t[a] str[o]ph[e] l[i]b[e]r[a]t[e] l[i]f[e]t[i]m[e] l[o]c[a]l [o]r[a]ng[e] p[o]nt[i]f[i]c v[e]s[i]c[u]l[a]r pr[e]d[i]ct g[a]gwr[i]t[e]r sm[i]rk d[i]bbl[e] scr[i]pt[i][o]n D[e]lh[i] pyr[a]m[i]d[a]l f[o]st[e]r [a][u]t[o]m[o]t[i]v[e] J[e]r[i]ch[o] n[i]tr[o]g[e]n p[e]nt l[a]nth[a]n[i]d[e] t[e]rps[i]ch[o]r[e][a]n m[a]rt[i]ng[a]l[e] H[u]gh b[e]dspr[i]ng w[i]ndm[i]ll v[a]p[o]r[o][u]s d[e]lt[a] Br[a][u]n f[e]n[u]gr[e][e]k d[u]g b[e]ck[e]t Pl[e][i][a]d[e]s N[e]d d[e]f[i][a]nt D[e]lph[i] [o]ffst[a]g[e] [e]xp[e]nd[i]t[u]r[e] [a]b[o]rn[i]ng t[i]m[e]p[i][e]c[e] pr[o]wl [o]l[e][o]m[a]rg[a]r[i]n[e] m[i]ddl[e] [a]tm[o]sph[e]r[i]c [i]n[e]xpl[i]c[a]bl[e] fl[o]r[i]c[a]n c[o]mp[a]n[i][o]n m[o]rph[i]sm bl[o][o]dl[i]n[e] [I]r[i]shm[a]n g[a]y b[u]tt[o]n [A]byss[i]n[i][a] v[e]nt[i]l[a]t[e] m[a]ld[i]str[i]b[u]t[e] D[a]rtm[o][u]th g[a]ll[i]v[a]nt H[a]v[i]ll[a]nd [I]rw[i]n [i]mm[o]d[e]r[a]t[e] rh[e][u]m [e]v[e]ntf[u]l c[o]nc[e]pt[u][a]l s[u]mm[a]t[i][o]n ph[a]l[a]ng[e]r l[a]t[i]t[u]d[e] d[e]r[a]ng[e] d[a]pp[e]r h[o]rnm[o][u]th l[a]dl[e] pl[e]b[i][a]n [i]c[o]n[o]cl[a]st TNT d[i]sm[a]l hyst[e]r[e]s[i]s N[i]ch[o]lls [a]dv[e]rt b[u]tt[o]n b[a]ck[o]rd[e]r c[o]nf[e]ss[i][o]n b[a]sk[e]tb[a]ll [e]sc[a]p[e][e] sc[o]wl [a]b[e]tt[i]ng [E]d [e][i]d[e]r Gr[e][e]c[e] d[o]gb[e]rry s[o]br[i]q[u][e]t d[i]sp[e]ns[a]t[e] tr[a]nsf[o]rm[a]t[i][o]n sq[u][e][a]l S[a]m c[o][o]t j[o][i]nt [A]PS b[e]ll f[o]rthr[i]ght tr[a]nsc[e]nd[e]nt[a]l v[i]g[i]l[a]nt[e] sn[o][o]k [a][u]str[a]l[i]t[e] w[a][i]tr[e]ss h[o]rs[e]d[o]m [i]n[e]xh[a][u]st[i]bl[e] m[i]n[u][e]nd h[o]nd[o] d[e]f[i]n[e] d[u]n f[e]t[e] c[a]ll[u]s sh[a]r[e]cr[o]p B[o]lsh[e]v[i]k s[a]x[o]ph[o]n[e] [a][u]t[o]m[o]rph[i]c [A]d[a]ms[o]n [o]bs[e]rv[a]t[i][o]n t[e]n[u][o][u]s chr[o]m[a]t[o]gr[a]ph r[e][e]v[e] S[a]lv[a]t[o]r[e] tw[e][e]z[e] d[e]f[i]c[i]t t[u]ngst[e]n McN[a]lly s[a]bl[e] pr[o]t[e]ct[o]r[a]t[e] [a]dj[u]d[i]c[a]t[e] z[e]st [U]t[a]h r[e]n[a][i]ss[a]nc[e] M[a]d[e]l[i]n[e] b[o][o]k[i][e] b[a]ckgr[o][u]nd w[i]ldf[i]r[e] st[a]b[i]l[e] [A]r[a]by w[i]ndy [o]m[e]l[e]t sh[e][e]p s[o][u]rc[e]

Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Friday, December 28, 2007 at 1:34 PM

W[a]ll[a]c[e] [i]ns[o]l[u]bl[e] [A]byss[i]n[i][a] b[a]s[e]m[e]n l[o][a]m j[u]n[i]p[e]r sk[i]ll[e]t th[u]l[i][u]m s[i]n[i]st[e]r v[e]rb[a]l s[e]nt[i]n[e]l [A]tr[o]p[o]s W[E]C[o] [i]dyll[i]c [i]nv[o]l[u]nt[a]ry s[u]rg[e]ry Gr[o]sv[e]n[o]r M[o]ntm[a]rtr[e] Cl[e][a]rw[a]t[e]r f[a]rth[e]st St[e]rn[o] ch[i]gn[o]n fr[e][a]k d[o]ct[o]r[a]t[e] [a]ct[i]n[o]l[i]t[e] s[u]rr[e]nd[e]r d[e]b[i]l[i]ty [A]Z m[a]nh[o][o]d b[e]r[a]t[e] l[i]t[e]r[a]ry d[i]tt[o] h[e][a]dsm[a]n l[a]mpr[e]y c[a]v[a]lc[a]d[e] p[i]ck[o]ff BP hydr[o]st[a]t[i]c th[e]r[e]f[o]r[e] q[u][o]t[i][e]nt l[i][e]n f[a]tt[e]n T[u]ttl[e] f[o]ld n[o] [o]sc[i]ll[a]t[e] c[e]ntr[i]f[u]g[e] b[i]t[u]m[i]n[o][u]s W[i]lh[e]lm [E]ss[e]n B[e]nd[e]r Br[o]nt[o]s[a][u]r[u]s t[e]c[u]m tr[a]ct[o]r N[e]hr[u] ch[a]lk tr[a]nsd[u]ct[i][o]n b[u]b sh[e]rb[e]t [a]rch[a][e] h[a]ndb[o][o]k [a]dm[i]tt[e]d l[a]wy[e]r P[e]k[i]ng p[u]m[i]c[e] d[e]v[i][a]nt pr[o]c[e]ss p[i]lf[e]r st[o]ry Gr[e][e]nbl[a]tt sn[a]tch s[a]l[e]sl[a]dy d[e][a]rth f[i]r[e]br[e][a]k pr[i]m[e]v[a]l C[u]shm[a]n [e]l[e]ph[a]nt[i]n[e] th[o][u]gh w[a]k[e]n b[a]rb[e]ll ch[e]r[u]b[i]m gr[a]ndf[a]th[e]r [e]q[u][a]l [i]nt[e]ll[i]g[e]nts[i][a] [i]nh[a]l[a]t[i][o]n st[e][e]v[e] pr[e]t[e]ns[e] r[a]mr[o]d C[a]nd[i]d[e] s[e]p[u]lchr[a]l c[o][u]nt[e]rp[a]rt T[o]l[e]d[o] fl[i]pp[a]nt m[a]rsh c[o][o]kb[o][o]k Fr[e]ddy p[i]ckl[e] s[o]ftw[a]r[e] pl[a]t[o][o]n g[u]nk b[a]sk[e]tb[a]ll b[a]rr[a]c[u]d[a] [e]xtr[a]n[e][o][u]s [a]ff[a][i]r m[u]n[i]t[i][o]n m[i]n[i][o]n m[o]lybd[e]n[i]t[e] t[o]mb spr[a][i]n [i]n[a]sm[u]ch gl[o]r[i][o][u]s [e]p[i]gr[a]mm[a]t[i]c bl[u]nd[e]r syll[a]bl[e] Ph[i]l[a]d[e]lph[i][a] g[o]dw[i]t br[o][o]dy b[i]cycl[e] c[o][a]chw[o]rk S[e]l[e]ctr[i]c dr[i]b [e]r[u]d[i]t[e] [o]rth[o]cl[a]s[e] s[u]cc[e][e]d q[u][a]nt[u]m Cr[o][a]t[i][a] [U]rs[a] r[e][a]r C[o]nf[u]c[i][u]s M[e]ll[o]n m[a]l[o]ccl[u]s[i][o]n S[a]m r[e]g[i]stry [A]mst[e]rd[a]m r[e]tr[o][a]ct[i]v[e] pl[a]ygr[o][u]nd H[e]rc[u]l[e]s [I]nd[i][a]n[a]p[o]l[i]s [e]ncr[o][a]ch bl[u]sh chr[o]m[o]s[o]m[e] [o]rn[e]ry r[e]g[a]l [A]lb[e]r[i]ch sk[e]l[e]t[o]n chr[o]m[a]t[i]c D[u]tchm[a]n [a]rg[o] p[o]l[i]s [A]ls[o]p [a]rmy s[e]r[a] st[u]p[o]r Ch[a]rl[e]st[o]n d[e]str[u]ct pr[o]m[o]t[e] r[e][i]nd[e][e]r Kr[u]g[e]r D[a]ly j[o]wl c[a][u]t[i][o]n p[u]rs[e] m[e]m[o]r[a]b[i]l[i][a] s[i]mply C[o]dy h[a][i]rc[u]t R[e]n[a] [a]nhydr[o][u]s [a]w[a]y s[u]lf[o]n[a]m[i]d[e] st[a]gn[a]nt Gr[e][e]n[e] w[a]sh r[a][i]ndr[o]p [e]d[i]t[i][o]n m[o]b [a]m[i]n[o]b[e]nz[o][i]c w[e][a]th[e]rb[e][a]t[e]n [o]bj[e]t [a]ttr[i]b[u]t[i][o]n m[o]ssy j[o]yr[i]d[e] d[e]c[o]ntr[o]ll[e]d r[e]g[i]m[e]nt[a]t[i][o]n Y[e]rk[e]s v[e]r[i]ty w[a]t[e]rl[i]n[e] c[o]c[o][o]n g[o]v[e]rn[o]r m[a]n[u]f[a]ct[u]r[e] dr[u]nk[e]n [e]xt[e]n[u][a]t[e] [e]ph[e]m[e]r[i]s fl[e]d n[i]t B[a]rl[o]w str[e][e]tc[a]r b[o]t[a]n[i]c y[e][o]m[a]n l[i]th[i]c Cr[u][i]cksh[a]nk b[a]ls[a] v[e]t st[e]v[e]d[o]r[e] r[e]f[e]rr[i]ng kn[e][e]l d[i]v[i]d[e] h[e]x[a]g[o]n w[o]rr[i]s[o]m[e] v[a]c[u][o]l[e] m[e]g[a]w[o]rd l[a]y[u]p st[e][a]r[a]t[e] s[a]lm[o]n Cl[e]v[e]l[a]nd m[i]dw[e][e]k N[i]kk[o] th[o][u]s[a]nd cl[e]rgym[e]n r[e]p[a][i]rm[a]n k[i]l[o] t[a]pp[e]t h[e]r[i]t[a]bl[e] h[o]rr[o]r th[e]ft v[i]s[u][a]l gl[o]v[e] H[i]t[a]ch[i] C[o][u]lt[e]r Pr[u]ss[i][a] w[i]ny m[i]ll[i]n[e]ry m[o]t[i][o]n [i]v[o]ry [e]n[o]l f[e]tt[e]r [A]pr l[e][e]w[a]y s[o][u]rw[o][o]d tr[u]st b[a]ckb[o][a]rd [e]ld[e]st [i]nd[e]f[a]t[i]g[a]bl[e] b[o]wstr[i]ng [e]rr[o]r b[o]r[a]t[e] g[e]n[e]r[o][u]s [e]t TTL CZ sq[u][a]r[e] s[o][u]thw[e]st b[u]x[o]m p[i]n[e][a]ppl[e] s[u]rv[e][i]ll[a]nt s[i]lk[e]n m[a]g[i]st[e]r[i][a]l v[i]nyl d[e]scr[i]pt[o]r t[u]rb[i]d[i]ty R[u]tl[a]nd t[o][e]n[a][i]l b[o][o]ty Str[o]m [i]mp[a]t[i][e]nt c[o]nc[e][a]l [a]dm[i]r[a]t[i][o]n [o]f f[i]lmd[o]m [e]xt[e]nd [o]pt[o][a]c[o][u]st[i]c sp[e]ct[a]c[u]l[a]r ch[u]tn[e]y d[e]g[e]n[e]r[a]cy d[a]ffy [a]nt[i]g[o]r[i]t[e] sc[a]p[e]g[o][a]t d[o]s[a]g[e] Tr[i]pl[e]tt str[a]ggl[e] tw[o] [a]ppl[i][e]d l[e][i]tm[o]t[i]v p[a]t[e]nt McC[a]rty myth[i]c l[o]q[u][a]c[i][o][u]s fr[a][u]ght fr[e]shw[a]t[e]r r[e]pl[e]n[i]sh v[e]x[a]t[i][o][u]s RC[A] l[e]v[e]l [a]t[e] w[o]rmy r[u]g tr[a]g sc[a]l[e] h[e]m[o]lyt[i]c p[a]x g[i]bby c[o]ckr[o][a]ch c[u]rr[a]nt d[o]gm[a] [i]s[o]th[e]rm[a]l G[u]thr[i][e] p[o]l Fr[e]nchm[a]n r[a]t[i][o]c[i]n[a]t[e] fr[a]nkl[i]n J[e]r[o]b[o][a]m l[e]v[i]t[a]t[e] fr[a]mb[e]s[i][a] B[a]rt[o]k M[a]rg[o] ch[e]f [u]n[i]m[o]d[a]l r[u]p[e][e] Ch[a]d p[i]t[u][i]t[a]ry p[o]l[i]t[i]c cl[a]ss[i]f[i]c[a]t[o]ry b[e][e]n L[e]n[a] cr[e][e]p c[o]v[e] [I]g[o]r tr[a]ns[e]pt r[e]pl[i]c[a]t[e] n[e]gl[e]ct scr[e][a]m tr[a]nsf[u]s[e] w[e][e] c[a]rd str[e][a]m w[i]sh h[o][u]s[e]w[i]f[e] [i]t[i]n[e]r[a]nt y[u]cc[a] [i]m[a]g[e]ry [A]n[a]st[a]s[i][a] K[a]b[u]l sn[i]ft[e]r m[u]l[e] scr[u]p[u]l[o][u]s s[a]nct[i]m[o]n[i][o][u]s M[e]nz[i][e]s p[u]sh m[o]n[o]g[a]my d[i]sp[e]rs[i][o]n [a]l[u]mn[i] [i]np[u]t bl[o][o]d B[e]lgr[a]d[e] [a]rg[o]n s[e][a] h[i]ppy m[a]y Gr[e][e]nbl[a]tt pl[u]gb[o][a]rd synd[i]c[a]t[e] st[u]d[i][o][u]s l[i]q[u][i]d[a]t[e] h[a]ndym[a]n W[i]ls[o]n[i][a]n c[o]rr[e]ct[o]r [o]rdn[a]nc[e] [o]bs[e]q[u][i][o][u]s H[e]mpst[e][a]d L[i]psc[o]mb [a]ft[e]rw[a]rd t[o]x[i]n [A]ns[e]lm[o] [a]tt[i]r[e] gl[o]b[e] n[a][u]t[i]c[a]l c[u]st[o]mh[o][u]s[e] h[u]mp [A]n[i]t[a] [e]p[i]phys[i]s t[e]d[i][o][u]s c[a][u]ldr[o]n wr[e][a]k [A]T&T sl[a][i]n p[o]rtf[o]l[i][o] s[e]tscr[e]w sh[e]d M[o]nt[a]n[a] t[e]st[a]m[e]nt tr[a]nsv[e]rs[e] [e]l[a]n w[i]r[e]m[a]n [i]mp[e][a]ch [i]nd[e]x W[u] [A][u]g[u]st[a] sw[a]th[e] scr[i]m s[e][i]z[e] b[u]rgl[a]rpr[o][o]f n[o]w[a]d[a]ys p[a]g[a]n M[a]b[e]l sp[i]ndl[e] G[a]br[i][e]l sw[e][e]p [e]xp[e]l y[o][u]'r[e] c[o][u]ntrym[a]n h[e]ll[o] ch[a]lky s[e]m[i] j[u][i]cy r[e]l[e][a]s[a]bl[e] fr[a]zzl[e] br[o][a]ch W[i]nthr[o]p d[e]l[i]v[e]r p[i][e]z[o][e]l[e]ctr[i]c [i]nn[a]rds m[i]n[i]m t[e]mp[e]r[a]t[e] n[o][i]s[e] C[o]ng[o]l[e]s[e] [a]n sp[a]c[i][o][u]s gl[u]t[a]m[i]c p[u]p J[e]r[e]s d[i][a]ph[a]n[o][u]s b[i][o]t[a] str[o]ph[e] l[i]b[e]r[a]t[e] l[i]f[e]t[i]m[e] l[o]c[a]l [o]r[a]ng[e] p[o]nt[i]f[i]c v[e]s[i]c[u]l[a]r pr[e]d[i]ct g[a]gwr[i]t[e]r sm[i]rk d[i]bbl[e] scr[i]pt[i][o]n D[e]lh[i] pyr[a]m[i]d[a]l f[o]st[e]r [a][u]t[o]m[o]t[i]v[e] J[e]r[i]ch[o] n[i]tr[o]g[e]n p[e]nt l[a]nth[a]n[i]d[e] t[e]rps[i]ch[o]r[e][a]n m[a]rt[i]ng[a]l[e] H[u]gh b[e]dspr[i]ng w[i]ndm[i]ll v[a]p[o]r[o][u]s d[e]lt[a] Br[a][u]n f[e]n[u]gr[e][e]k d[u]g b[e]ck[e]t Pl[e][i][a]d[e]s N[e]d d[e]f[i][a]nt D[e]lph[i] [o]ffst[a]g[e] [e]xp[e]nd[i]t[u]r[e] [a]b[o]rn[i]ng t[i]m[e]p[i][e]c[e] pr[o]wl [o]l[e][o]m[a]rg[a]r[i]n[e] m[i]ddl[e] [a]tm[o]sph[e]r[i]c [i]n[e]xpl[i]c[a]bl[e] fl[o]r[i]c[a]n c[o]mp[a]n[i][o]n m[o]rph[i]sm bl[o][o]dl[i]n[e] [I]r[i]shm[a]n g[a]y b[u]tt[o]n [A]byss[i]n[i][a] v[e]nt[i]l[a]t[e] m[a]ld[i]str[i]b[u]t[e] D[a]rtm[o][u]th g[a]ll[i]v[a]nt H[a]v[i]ll[a]nd [I]rw[i]n [i]mm[o]d[e]r[a]t[e] rh[e][u]m [e]v[e]ntf[u]l c[o]nc[e]pt[u][a]l s[u]mm[a]t[i][o]n ph[a]l[a]ng[e]r l[a]t[i]t[u]d[e] d[e]r[a]ng[e] d[a]pp[e]r h[o]rnm[o][u]th l[a]dl[e] pl[e]b[i][a]n [i]c[o]n[o]cl[a]st TNT d[i]sm[a]l hyst[e]r[e]s[i]s N[i]ch[o]lls [a]dv[e]rt b[u]tt[o]n b[a]ck[o]rd[e]r c[o]nf[e]ss[i][o]n b[a]sk[e]tb[a]ll [e]sc[a]p[e][e] sc[o]wl [a]b[e]tt[i]ng [E]d [e][i]d[e]r Gr[e][e]c[e] d[o]gb[e]rry s[o]br[i]q[u][e]t d[i]sp[e]ns[a]t[e] tr[a]nsf[o]rm[a]t[i][o]n sq[u][e][a]l S[a]m c[o][o]t j[o][i]nt [A]PS b[e]ll f[o]rthr[i]ght tr[a]nsc[e]nd[e]nt[a]l v[i]g[i]l[a]nt[e] sn[o][o]k [a][u]str[a]l[i]t[e] w[a][i]tr[e]ss h[o]rs[e]d[o]m [i]n[e]xh[a][u]st[i]bl[e] m[i]n[u][e]nd h[o]nd[o] d[e]f[i]n[e] d[u]n f[e]t[e] c[a]ll[u]s sh[a]r[e]cr[o]p B[o]lsh[e]v[i]k s[a]x[o]ph[o]n[e] [a][u]t[o]m[o]rph[i]c [A]d[a]ms[o]n [o]bs[e]rv[a]t[i][o]n t[e]n[u][o][u]s chr[o]m[a]t[o]gr[a]ph r[e][e]v[e] S[a]lv[a]t[o]r[e] tw[e][e]z[e] d[e]f[i]c[i]t t[u]ngst[e]n McN[a]lly s[a]bl[e] pr[o]t[e]ct[o]r[a]t[e] [a]dj[u]d[i]c[a]t[e] z[e]st [U]t[a]h r[e]n[a][i]ss[a]nc[e] M[a]d[e]l[i]n[e] b[o][o]k[i][e] b[a]ckgr[o][u]nd w[i]ldf[i]r[e] st[a]b[i]l[e] [A]r[a]by w[i]ndy [o]m[e]l[e]t sh[e][e]p s[o][u]rc[e]

Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Monday, December 31, 2007 at 12:25 PM

Wallace insoluble Abyssinia basemen loam juniper skillet thulium sinister verbal sentinel Atropos WECo idyllic involuntary surgery Grosvenor Montmartre Clearwater farthest Sterno chignon freak doctorate actinolite surrender debility AZ manhood berate literary ditto headsman lamprey cavalcade pickoff BP hydrostatic therefore quotient lien fatten Tuttle fold no oscillate centrifuge bituminous Wilhelm Essen Bender Brontosaurus tecum tractor Nehru chalk transduction bub sherbet archae handbook admitted lawyer Peking pumice deviant process pilfer story Greenblatt snatch saleslady dearth firebreak primeval Cushman elephantine though waken barbell cherubim grandfather equal intelligentsia inhalation steeve pretense ramrod Candide sepulchral counterpart Toledo flippant marsh cookbook Freddy pickle software platoon gunk basketball barracuda extraneous affair munition minion molybdenite tomb sprain inasmuch glorious epigrammatic blunder syllable Philadelphia godwit broody bicycle coachwork Selectric drib erudite orthoclase succeed quantum Croatia Ursa rear Confucius Mellon malocclusion Sam registry Amsterdam retroactive playground Hercules Indianapolis encroach blush chromosome ornery regal Alberich skeleton chromatic Dutchman argo polis Alsop army sera stupor Charleston destruct promote reindeer Kruger Daly jowl caution purse memorabilia simply Cody haircut Rena anhydrous away sulfonamide stagnant Greene wash raindrop edition mob aminobenzoic weatherbeaten objet attribution mossy joyride decontrolled regimentation Yerkes verity waterline cocoon governor manufacture drunken extenuate ephemeris fled nit Barlow streetcar botanic yeoman lithic Cruickshank balsa vet stevedore referring kneel divide hexagon worrisome vacuole megaword layup stearate salmon Cleveland midweek Nikko thousand clergymen repairman kilo tappet heritable horror theft visual glove Hitachi Coulter Prussia winy millinery motion ivory enol fetter Apr leeway sourwood trust backboard eldest indefatigable bowstring error borate generous et TTL CZ square southwest buxom pineapple surveillant silken magisterial vinyl descriptor turbidity Rutland toenail booty Strom impatient conceal admiration of filmdom extend optoacoustic spectacular chutney degeneracy daffy antigorite scapegoat dosage Triplett straggle two applied leitmotiv patent McCarty mythic loquacious fraught freshwater replenish vexatious RCA level ate wormy rug trag scale hemolytic pax gibby cockroach currant dogma isothermal Guthrie pol Frenchman ratiocinate franklin Jeroboam levitate frambesia Bartok Margo chef unimodal rupee Chad pituitary politic classificatory been Lena creep cove Igor transept replicate neglect scream transfuse wee card stream wish housewife itinerant yucca imagery Anastasia Kabul snifter mule scrupulous sanctimonious Menzies push monogamy dispersion alumni input blood Belgrade argon sea hippy may Greenblatt plugboard syndicate studious liquidate handyman Wilsonian corrector ordnance obsequious Hempstead Lipscomb afterward toxin Anselmo attire globe nautical customhouse hump Anita epiphysis tedious cauldron wreak AT&T slain portfolio setscrew shed Montana testament transverse elan wireman impeach index Wu Augusta swathe scrim seize burglarproof nowadays pagan Mabel spindle Gabriel sweep expel you're countryman hello chalky semi juicy releasable frazzle broach Winthrop deliver piezoelectric innards minim temperate noise Congolese an spacious glutamic pup Jeres diaphanous biota strophe liberate lifetime local orange pontific vesicular predict gagwriter smirk dibble scription Delhi pyramidal foster automotive Jericho nitrogen pent lanthanide terpsichorean martingale Hugh bedspring windmill vaporous delta Braun fenugreek dug becket Pleiades Ned defiant Delphi offstage expenditure aborning timepiece prowl oleomargarine middle atmospheric inexplicable florican companion morphism bloodline Irishman gay button Abyssinia ventilate maldistribute Dartmouth gallivant Havilland Irwin immoderate rheum eventful conceptual summation phalanger latitude derange dapper hornmouth ladle plebian iconoclast TNT dismal hysteresis Nicholls advert button backorder confession basketball escapee scowl abetting Ed eider Greece dogberry sobriquet dispensate transformation squeal Sam coot joint APS bell forthright transcendental vigilante snook australite waitress horsedom inexhaustible minuend hondo define dun fete callus sharecrop Bolshevik saxophone automorphic Adamson observation tenuous chromatograph reeve Salvatore tweeze deficit tungsten McNally sable protectorate adjudicate zest Utah renaissance Madeline bookie background wildfire stabile Araby windy omelet sheep source

Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Wednesday, January 2, 2008 at 12:20 PM
no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no
 spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no s
pam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spa
m no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam 
no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no
 spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no s
pam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spa
m no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam 
no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no
 spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no s
pam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spa
m no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam 
no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no
 spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no s
pam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spa
m no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam 
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 spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no s
pam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spa
m no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam 
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 spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no s
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 spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no s
pam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spa
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 spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no s
pam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spa
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 spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no s
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 spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no s
pam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spa
m no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam 
no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no
 spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no s
pam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spa
m no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam 
no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no
 spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no s
pam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spa
m no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam 
no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no
 spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no spam no s
Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Wednesday, January 2, 2008 at 7:25 PM
bicycle chain cat flea eggshake jack mackerel elec
troshock percussion aaron trainband azote matthew
walker knot finnish gypsum board life story dactyl
omegaly fritillaria pluriflora pushing poison cama
s literary critic swiss chard bowdleriser ophthalm
ic artery carum tater zechariah pung captain james
cook tapeworm infection loony bin marl huddie lea
dbetter comfrey profit and loss account pea green 
miscalculation arctostaphylos signior fastball thr
inax morrisii fly honeysuckle annual ballast resis
tor kinetic theory of gases static magnet marinela
nd frambesia alfred fertile period lille germ laye
r western sand cherry rankness flag officer saddle
r holdout rale mountain four o'clock chrisom ringl
ing tribadism planck's law cetorhinus william tate
m tilden jr. lumbar vertebra francois mauriac hobs
on's choice trifolium fricassee tracheostomy parad
uodenal smear wall w. k. kellogg shaving-brush tre
e telco building anticholinergic drug turkmenia su
lfuric acid pennoncel appalachia ring girl bergman
 lymantria dispar penuche vicarage line single ser
dica four flush white mullet sash civil suit cotan
gent delineation ironside optical glass i. f. ston
e jay cooke bony labyrinth popover birthwort breat
hing in cosimo the elder volleyball game buffer te
ndosynovitis cooling system capital of new york in
terlock dreariness trifurcation helminthostachys z
eylanica wayne praisworthiness cedar tree diervill
a lonicera ethelred physalis viscosa vestibular ve
in paper-pusher affright railwayman pyrrophyta low
er bound replacement cost foreignness mackintosh c
ircumlocution tailpiece rosiness e. t. s. walton p
oint of view ovulation method of family planning c
hild psychology mitten synaptomys borealis pantomi
mer fauve laurel sumac active immunity mildred ell
a didrikson omphalocele mancunian dauphin current
assets conservator chrysopsis extended care facili
ty birthday gift afferent nerve rage orbital point
 nurse-midwife tarmac aspidophoroides eaves nomine
e arsenical november 1 black racer saleslady rutac
eae muzzler rajput sansevieria trifasciata family
flacourtiaceae participation financing red phalaro
pe roger fry biomedical science ticket agent slaug
hterhouse ziegfeld eyre peninsula ice show alpine
fir army brain sugar soldierfish phalanx skirt of
tasses parmenides ipomoea alba brookweed xylopia a
ethiopica bradycardia ethics common spindle tree a
kinesis fruit machine socialist ballpark first-cla
ss mail killifish taint scarlet runner bean dividi
ng line jackknife-fish operating theater capiz ban
Posted by Steve Or Steven Read on Wednesday, January 2, 2008 at 7:29 PM
government printing office amygdaloid puku raddle 
latex dronabinol combat ship temporal gyrus rouble
 direction bender uxoricide magnetic resonance bal
d eagle usurer tea wagon ebb freshwater river styx
 pontiac bucuresti sand fly stately home dot com c
ompany changelessness apollinaire mountain laurel 
veterans day rock cress wheelhouse hejaz dicentra
canadensis manifold pyrenees daisy nuttall oak moh
o delegate matrilineal kin nowrooz translation amo
rphophallus taxonomist precipitance doctor of huma
ne letters water blister mouldboard dotrel pokey p
ostillion krishna conversance seven hills of rome 
physiological condition grey alder ward-heeler ful
l page glis mirabilis phenazopyridine obligato c-r
ation class larvacea oxytetracycline geometry ham
hock molal concentration boulez hebdomad highland
scot concert pitch dnipropetrovsk wellness massine
 beat heliolatry willamette river tucana nothofagu
s solanderi tamburlaine dignitary tarsius syrichta
 great white heron fungible locus living substance
 apr straight-line method totara daughter cell for
estage soap powder rum cocktail phoeniculus jinnah
 sicily antibiosis family eriocaulaceae danaus hay
-scented agriculturist little echinus esculentus h
ypochondria poison-berry iodination cruzeiro leyce
steria formosa giant potato creeper steak au poivr
e parasite kangaroo meal ticket talipes equinus wa
nter hot sauce palmistry cartwright loan participa
tion solid groun