Project»Much TODO


Vaporware at its finest. For this project I have been collecting and assembling unwritten software code. While this code remains to be written, its construction in thought has at least begun. The ideas, dreams, and procrastinations of software developers from around the world are manifested in this project by their 'TODO' comments which were left behind in code as little reminders. I have algorithmically collected nearly 100,000 of these comments from the Internet, giving precedence to quick 'one line' TODOs. The resulting conceptual software program contains instructions of thoughts only - no actions. It does everything, and nothing. It does just what I need, which is plenty.

A TODO tag is not necessarily a formal software coding element, but placing them in code is common practice among many developers. When found in code, it is assumed that the TODO thought/task has not yet been realized (it's also assumed that the task may not be absolutely necessary). When software code is finally compiled down into a program, the compiler recognizes and processes the comments by ignoring them.

There is still much todo on this project!
TODO: make fancy visualizations with the data
TODO: harvest even more todo comments
TODO: add multi-line todos to the archive
TODO: convince people this is good art
TODO: convince people this is good software

Here is a free, downloadable, runnable program created from 100,000 lines of TODO code:
MuchTODO.exe (DOS/Windows version)

Here is a small section of TODO code randomly pulled from the collection:

* TODO: Use the size.

* TODO: use a scheme including the device name and the

* TODO: what if this is null?

* TODO: entry here so multi-lines not displayed correctly

* TODO: Better handling of log probabilities.

* TODO: make sure that the scale is valid for the scaling

* TODO: better separator code

* TODO: this must be fixed

* TODO: Doesn't work because we read the html file

* TODO: loop over duplicates

* TODO: make the dialog insensitive when all the tabs are closed

* TODO: Mixer registration

* TODO: optimize this down through conditional expressions, FLWR expressions, etc

* TODO: Replace the default by the real one.

* TODO: The ButtonExitProc doesn't currently work and the

* TODO: use xmlize !!!!

* TODO: what are the real rules??

* TODO: username from history file

* TODO: Uncomment to use encryption of user configuration, currently passwords are ignored :(

* TODO: some attribute must have values, some may not

* TODO: Implement WOL

* TODO: go to a default page, either "welcome.tpl" or

* TODO: it would be good to not add sources that

* TODO: close paranoia pointer?

* TODO: This could be exported

* TODO: real cycle detection.

* TODO: Reduce to binary transparency

* TODO: here documents, formats

* TODO: advanced scanning functions

* TODO: more examples, showing the order of addition operation

* TODO: Delete special global stuff here

* TODO: setSelectionModeExt( KListView::FileManager );

* TODO: handle steeds

* TODO: Free up memory associated with disabled rules.

* TODO: don't require exact match for return type

* TODO: syntax errors in INI files are not reported

* TODO: describe performance here

* TODO: Create the entire function!

* TODO: Check individual page permissions instead.

* TODO: cleanup

* TODO: see if more isapnp functions are needed here

* TODO: Move these functions to bit_array.h

* TODO: Make the RDFModelLoaderMenu an Extra instead of hardcoding it here.

* TODO: Check if this is a correct default correction value for pow()

* TODO: All queries look most the same, collect it and shorten the code.

* TODO: prio=m, effort=1.0, descr=(merge)

* TODO: add SIGPIPE debugging check somewhere to make sure its SIG_IGN

* TODO: Specify mode!!!

* TODO: Optimize for the case of only a single character being entered.

* TODO: Add empty methods and descriptions to the classes

* TODO: in the gtk_my_curve_interpolate (c, width, height)

* TODO: stuff

* TODO: Timeout on method calls - MCU

* TODO: IDR_SOUND, wxSize(200, 120))

* TODO: NameSpaces are not yet supported.

* TODO: 0 = all, evtl. einstellbar?

* TODO: fix that

* TODO: Recycle list for faster access ?

* TODO: (Jan 26) This doesn't seem right to me anymore. An &UNDEFINE only affects

* TODO: display the ID of the admin if we aren't

* TODO: Add SynchElementStream.SetDocumentLocator implementation

* TODO: Modify existing scripts to clean control number, replacing spaces with underscores.

* TODO: The /o will not work if the parser is used for both Config and SP

* TODO: free data elsewhere...

* TODO: we should instead use a thread owned by the player

* TODO: move it to ac97 controls

* TODO: if not, or maybe in any case,

* TODO: will there ever be `*-previous-*' functions defined,

* TODO: no easy way to detect pixel format

* TODO: Reconsider

* TODO: Maybe we could also use this class as a basis for non-regression tests?

* TODO: These need some work. Currently very tightly coupled to

* TODO: all testing and review by hhorst

* TODO: Is this correct or should I use a bounded wildcard in the return type?

* TODO: two buttons, one for duration and one for deadline ?

* TODO: Split those into single tests!

* TODO: optimizer implementation

* TODO: should work even if min/max reversed

* TODO: raise exception!

* TODO: UA dependent

* TODO: just do EQUAL for now

* TODO: fehlende Leerzeichen bei Anmerkunen

* TODO: location of symbol related ....

* TODO: need to get from store

* TODO: this should only need to be done once.

* TODO: Better message text.

* TODO: Do plugin initialization here

* TODO: add read support as well.

* TODO: rethink how this is is triggered.

* TODO: make your own urllib.url2pathname# 2005-12-20

* TODO: send a TEAROFF

* TODO: FIXME verb in name

* TODO: think calling native method or not.

* TODO: look into a better way

* TODO: convert this logic, which is ~= snapshot to

* TODO: custom exception)"));

* TODO: wn settings use the appropriate WM_XXX_CHANGEVALUE

* TODO: It is likely that there are characters missing from this simple

* TODO: Character d

* TODO: add some more Terminal methods, e.g:

* TODO: check if any garbage follows.

* TODO: calculate offset for jumping 1 minute forward/backwards in stream

* TODO: self loops are double counted

* TODO: Please tell me what the below does :)

* TODO: was 3000

* TODO: All filters should be ProjectComponents, too!

* TODO: implement platform-specific swapbuffers"

* TODO: needs concept of insets

* TODO: Why isn't this being used?

* TODO: autocompletion of words within text

* TODO: We really should switch to using some other character than

* TODO: Add tests for UML 1.4 types

* TODO: rysowania tablicy

* TODO: debugging, remove me when it works?

* TODO: Check for krawall adress

* TODO: test offset and plotstr

* TODO: make this overlay go away if mmm is turned off

* TODO: Remove when it works (or never will)

* TODO: set the drawable here if desired

* TODO: Seitenwechsel einbauen - Begrenzung bei mehr als z.B. 30 angemeldeten

* TODO: The editors should actually take care of that

* TODO: this sucks

* TODO: ', msg

* TODO: The behaviour is undefined if the line does not have

* TODO: Need to optimize ...

* TODO: honor color bits request

* TODO: a bit of error checking

* TODO: wrong, as it could be that the first field is not part of the root class.

* TODO: flush/reset/spill/extend should all employ double buffering of the

* TODO: investigate this and provide correct decoding at all times.

* TODO: Find a better (and faster?) check than using old implementation

* TODO: PratikNeed to test this class extensively

* TODO: change to using FileModelPersistenceHandler

* TODO: code duplication here - see NEP

* TODO: double bump?

* TODO: eventually put this back in, once we think all is fixed

* TODO: Check valid names. For now, anything loaded will be okay already.

* TODO: Unicode support

* TODO: really we should use this to indicate our discard of the buffer

* TODO: move things from object.c to this place!int mcp_quit(void){return(0);}

* TODO: alagi to now *

* TODO: this is needed by LogoutServlet

* TODO: it doesn't, however, check the application's resource map for a matching template!

* TODO: this list is by no means complete nor accurate

* TODO: Implement this javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest method

* TODO: setDropHighlighter(true);

* TODO: unicode: is this sensible?

* TODO: split this function in two so it becomes smaller

* TODO: use "sources" when core sends it

* TODO: may be it is not to follow kernel cramfs and set ino to value of file offset?

* TODO: use png_malloc_warn png_memcpy(to->entries,

* TODO: Verify probepoint is a function entry point

* TODO: Convert to new style properties

* TODO: Determine the most efficient way to handle this -- as below? by

* TODO: not a proper URI parser

* TODO: add other directions to accelerate. (since it's hard coded to 0,0,-x in updateInteraction)

* TODO: We could consider supporting this for constructor args also, but it's really a

* TODO: use posix timers (timer_create etc) instead of setitimer.

* TODO: get is nullable

* TODO: change to constant when upgrade to new HSSF

* TODO: this crap belongs in http_core

* TODO: - We need to put OS detection back to make all the following work

* TODO: discuss behaviour !

* TODO: NOTE: Nonexistence of this field is taken to mean nonconformance

* TODO: Use stylesheet to convert or wait till we use Fig

* TODO: * this should be in swfdump.c

* TODO: more like this for endianness, word size, etc

* TODO: Class Description for Emailer

* TODO: Test me

* TODO: , get mailing list dir side uri and notify rdf to remove it

* TODO: generate error if the processing instruction was not found

* TODO: Check this fix

* TODO: this reports *all* bugs in the SF bug tracker, no matter whether

* TODO: Copy resource int copy_resource(strin

* TODO: 300:o: Perform tcpConnectionTable one-time module initialization.

* TODO: Should the combat/peace toggle affect this?

* TODO: never deleted from memory

* TODO: eliminate futile signal traffic

* TODO: later, do some kind of uom/quantity conoversion with the UomConversion entity

* TODO: add all classes

* TODO: derive from TPreloadingSequencer

* TODO: Allow the width and heigth of the window to be passed

* TODO: refresh properties instead ?


* TODO: Avoid carefully GL tools.

* TODO: this needs to go into a thread pool thread -JGH

* TODO: find a way to do this

* TODO: check that entry.getIdentifier().equals(requestedId)

* TODO: .... ;

* TODO: currently we only cache on get and set, need to include add and addall

* TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying the CREATESTRUCT cs

* TODO: line number is off by 1 in codeblock at top of template (weird!)

* TODO: assert that its a channel element?

* TODO: get from ResourceBundle

* TODO: implement Steiglitz-McBride iterations

* TODO: make it a parameter when in kdelibs/kdeui

* TODO: Shouldn't this add an ending Z

* TODO: Validate color?

* TODO: Append an error when filename is NULL.

* TODO: find the right rect, not exact, but correct

* TODO: Add this as a kernel patch to audit.h

* TODO: this seems pretty redundant.. may want to make this cleaner.

* TODO: A clean solution!

* TODO: add avp_traffic_type and avp_traffic. Update unisig_if.c,

* TODO: how to handle entries that are not found

* TODO: como transposar Matrix2x3????

* TODO: make this size customisable

* TODO: write all the chunks

* TODO: Test under Windows (help is really appreciated in this point)

* TODO: Esto sobra! *

* TODO: add moderation utils here

* TODO: sho

* TODO: How to check if running Cygwin or Win32 XEmacs ?

* TODO: analysis of ra.xml values

* TODO: replace this module with something more standard.

* TODO: Implement DebugBuildProcessor.

* TODO: Check the PlatformId since it's the minimum implementation of Win32 APIs

* TODO: redo to store Class instances in Set instead

* TODO: the scale function should scale the pixmap

* TODO: What about signedness?

* TODO: maybe should return -code break if the value is not good ...

* TODO: MBA fragen wie ich ohne Absturz hier meinen Speicher

* TODO: Implement more colors-by-name

* TODO: make alt + different from alt =

* TODO: elsif ...

* TODO: ;; - add compatibility with cvs-log.el

* TODO: intercept stderr from Hunspell

* TODO: implement this method to return the 'Lodging Total' attribute

* TODO: see Documentation/filesystems/romfs.txt

* TODO: Remove duplicate method declaration where possible

* TODO: restore removed styles in etc. ...

* TODO: Solve this issue in a better way?

* TODO: make sure the existing fields are overwritten and not just added, if a section ID reappears.

* TODO: need a monitor

* TODO: GnomePrint API change:

* TODO: * escape/unescape in the .txt reader/writer to be able to roundtrip values with newlines

* TODO: check against documentation !!

* TODO: integrate it into all text-input-fields automagically

* TODO: handle exception properly

* TODO: this should be done by a parser

* TODO: Use vertex shaders to render sky. Can use half a sphere fixed in

* TODO: a standard Harbour error should be generated here !

* TODO: add options.

* TODO: font height + height of tallest bitmap.


* TODO: package jaugment2.clock;

* TODO: Implement this javax.swing.tree.TreeModel method

* TODO: add increase/decrease operations,

* TODO: is the serializable test necessary now that JMeterTreeNode is no longer a GUI component?

* TODO: unless we are maximized. then we should resize ourself.

* TODO: open nvelocity log file

* TODO: escape sequences

* TODO: and only if connected!

* TODO: probably need a whole entropy-generating class

* TODO: Implement this one..

* TODO: content-languages header?

* TODO: adding a Desktop Object breaks the ScrollDesktopPane's repaint!

* TODO: node namer code should deal with duplicate names!

* TODO: Use this properly!

* TODO: Currently, apr_md5_update() always returns

* TODO: put all headers somewhere (sorted)

* TODO: if we have a tree instead of a list, a line could be a node object

* TODO: Make sure _GetStatistics returns proper _lastReset value

* TODO: implement method testAddValidationSource

* TODO: Check for necessity and portability of 64-bit quantities?

* TODO: Add more mail headers here. Perhaps create a mail wrapper in some other class.

* TODO: Page caching.

* TODO: Call equivalent function from control toolbox since it is

* TODO: Add support for gtk_init_check().

* TODO: see about putting our system errors here they will only be recognized by us

* TODO: make this extend one of the library's exception handling policies

* TODO: Turn this class into an abstract super


* TODO: If there were a mapping property indicating whether

* TODO: write me

* TODO: next. Let's validate it.

* TODO: fix this ugliness

* TODO: we need some exceptions here to index URLs like this

* TODO: decide which one to use

* TODO: Rename this class so it's not so close to ocl_parser.h ....

* TODO: figure out if the assert below is needed or correct.

* TODO: what is the desired behavier here?

* TODO: Fehlerdialog

* TODO: is silly to maintain two different versions of essentially

* TODO: textlength, lengthadjust)

* TODO: implement Diagnostics

* TODO: package;

* TODO: Optimize the loops, preferrably doing calculation.

* TODO: Omit fog stage ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ

* TODO: Raster effects don't work in flipscreen mode.

* TODO: find out what the hell this did here in the first place

* TODO: Non-MFC CString TsWriteToViewLn((LPCTSTR)GuidToStr(testGUID);

* TODO: optimize this to use an explicit

* TODO: Synchronize on TestLoader

* TODO: ڴ˴ӹ룬

* TODO: may want to start removing mbufs from the end of the list

* TODO: the pattern can probably be cached

* TODO: ask} true then begin

* TODO: check if args is needed at all (on lost cache)

* TODO: move estimate_heuristic functionality to a class

* TODO: consider memory management

* TODO: ˰̥ƥȥ򵭽ҤƤ * *㡧 * *'util' => 'app/UtilTest.php', );}?>

* TODO: Parse the gametype file

* TODO: improve dialogs

* TODO: See postgresql for an example of what these functions do.

* TODO: implement settable SyncRoot

* TODO: we probably should think to another way to save the contacltist.

* TODO: add the link to the documentation.

* TODO: implement caching

* TODO: Actuellement uniquement franais..... ce qui est un peu domage dirons

* TODO: Support segment displays in api?

* TODO: Perhaps use the MD4 routine from OpenSSL if it's installed.

* TODO: fix this somehow ?!?

* TODO: This should now be here, what we need to have is a rectangle

* TODO: change this to an encoding class, which then might carry

* TODO: odbiehl -cs : Format the message

* TODO: rewrite this using regular expressions

* TODO: Compute CRC.

* TODO: check whether roster window is below other windows.

* TODO: Add active notebook pane specific menus, ideally through a new interface

* TODO: we need better error messages here

* TODO: check for error on ping reply (ReplyStatus.MsgType?)

* TODO: Try to sort the array

* TODO: add some caching here

* TODO: - block better

* TODO: Access into entities references are not supported now ...

* TODO: test more than one card --- done

* TODO: Add ref counting.

* TODO: USAGE: site gpmonthdn [number] [<section>]

* TODO: allow for various font types

* TODO: find better solution than +-1000

* TODO: allow port-specific command line options to specify

* TODO: rate limit this so silly things don't happen.

* TODO: lookup in a timezone map, need the table of codes

* TODO: is this hack unnecessary?

* TODO: support query definition a single string

* TODO: should just be a columnprovider per querypage....

* TODO: NullPointerException!

* TODO: search top before left

* TODO: I don't think that the "direct" is working correctly

* TODO: check for stale users that no longer exist

* TODO: Implement this for OS/2 Presentation Manager apps!

* TODO: Sanitise username

* TODO: check out if in staff-rule thickness normally.

* TODO: Validate the URI to make sure it is valid. Start with

* TODO: Remove open_email_list method from Dada Mail

* TODO: the functions exported by this file should be changed, the names

* TODO: record stats for this

* TODO: We need to make it so that the checks below only

* TODO: Remove this if you don't want tool tips or a resizeable toolbar

* TODO: coloured-) lighting by modulating the RGB components

* TODO: When locale changes, then translation should change

* TODO: add custom methods

* TODO: Support for TCP sockets

* TODO: canvas width/height sets content size in moz, border size in ie

* TODO: return GNOME_Evolution_Calendar_TYPE_TODO;

* TODO: Add property change listener support to this interface and to the implementation

* TODO: This can be optimised and made cleaner by combining

* TODO: watch timestamp on our source file - reload whenever it changes?

* TODO: data hiding?! probably use System.arraycopy(cps, cpnet);

* TODO: ")

* TODO: better error checking ...

* TODO: This file is almost identical to ce-parser.

* TODO: check this is still present after each service pack

* TODO: Write a table-name-quote function and use this instead.

* TODO: Should the transaction be rolled back in the finalize method if not commited?

* TODO: throw exception if Control is already mapped

* TODO: Userobject of null is probably invalid

* TODO: public static final intSPECIAL_SYSTEM_EXCLUSIVE = 0xF7;

* TODO: Fix memory leak below

* TODO: add code to validate that the forwarding address and voicemail

* TODO: class copies data twice: in the constructor and in the type cast otperator.

* TODO: very broken, assumes the profile fits in a single chunk. Change to

* TODO: RANK_TIMED is quite a hack and is spread all over. It needs to be

* TODO: Create a unit test to check

* TODO: Need to search for elemental references in generic interface

* TODO: define attribute mapping for attribute of the superclasses

* TODO: Is this still used? -OJ 22 nov 2005

* TODO: handle opacity input

* TODO: write optimized versions of these.

* TODO: what are appropriate "unmapped" values?

* TODO: get rid of this

* TODO: Much refactoring need to make code generation "pluggable"

* TODO: ;; - subtree-terminators


* TODO: Find a way to provide a IWindowsFormsEditorService so this can work directly

* TODO: implemeted only for windows. This x11 version is dummy file.

* TODO: check for readonly layer

* TODO: don't make costly proxy test on field level use

* TODO: it would be nice to log this exception somewhere

* TODO: add a datatype and operand size field

* TODO: henuz yapilmadi.

* TODO: maybe we add also the resetpin? If the c64 resets also the 64net/2 can

* TODO: Incorporate testing for ContextStack and ContextMap

* TODO: Use compiled version of rijndael. E.g. baader says he can't relay IRC

* TODO: or should we? }* * Add another IP

* TODO: this should be an error. mixing up ints and pointers.

* TODO: It also accepts SomeThing/SomeThing

* TODO: Determine which grid cells are visible and need to be rendered.

* TODO: Some of these message tags are obsolete, and should be removed...

* TODO: add indeterminate octaves, so it can be used as a key in keySigature

* TODO: it must be last header,else error

* TODO: remove

* TODO: contactAction != 0 -> do nothing

* TODO: add this also to panel-dependent as soon as vfs support the display of search-results

* TODO: die here?

* TODO: support non-XvMC output, probably falling back to Xv.

* TODO: This is quite a lot cut'n'pasted from -

* TODO: backspace does not work

* TODO: optmization: indexing objects should be deferred

* TODO: or should

* TODO: we shouldn't be getting group conversations randomly without

* TODO: plug in generic exception handling

* TODO: perform date formatting. but dont use

* TODO: What is the significance of '8' here?

* TODO: Get a unique Error Code for this.

* TODO: add method support here

* TODO: optimise this - we probably have a pointer to this

* TODO: Send 1 or 2 "dummy" packets here as the card seems to discard the

* TODO: Free constraints, too.

* TODO: add nil?

* TODO: maybe optimize cases where last line is [0 0 1].

* TODO: have bits in place of bytes)

* TODO: substream_count setting; don't depend on current_stream_len

* TODO: Write KOrganizer header

* TODO: - This will add a dependency on HTTP lib

* TODO: get this going for WIN via creating a .lnk file

* TODO: contact admin if this happens

* TODO: should probably check for invalid directives and die

* TODO: store all external referrers in (rotatable) log/db for a RecentReferrers plugin.

* TODO: Operators for bool (or, and, xor, etc)

* TODO: show a Errormessage

* TODO: we can do better than this, but we need more information

* TODO: Replace these patches with simulation of the protection device

* TODO: If these version checks fail, then look for a compatible XULRunner

* TODO: phg_wsa_pm_valid_pick_path( ws, pick )

* TODO: throws an exception if uncomment JGraph instance.

* TODO: ... look into how wxConfig works.

* TODO: background and border colour attributes.

* TODO: change this to sisDDUpdateHwState like other drivers

* TODO: fix error message

* TODO: gdCreateFromWBMP function for reading WBMP files

* TODO: check validity of the following - this is

* TODO: Sort this.

* TODO: make sure city is not NULL

* TODO: make it more robust - all the connects etc. should handle EADDRINUSE and

* TODO: notify the user that the pdu type is either not supported

* TODO: fix spelling

* TODO: terminal type user interface.

* TODO: move this SQL along with the SQL in activity_log.php to a shared

* TODO: Known protocols - f_proto

* TODO: send message to transaction layer

* TODO: package jaugment2.wlanmonitor;

* TODO: friends

* TODO: Check Command with parametre

* TODO: This function only supports valid bit streams. Upon error, it fails

* TODO: design images, assign them here

* TODO: Add hooks for NumericalMode switching

* TODO: handle syntax errors in env

* TODO: This seems really questionable, there has to be a

* TODO: i hitnk i need to make this into epochSecs

* TODO: menus.

* TODO: (explanation)

* TODO: ڴӿؼ֪ͨ

* TODO: test Unicode D.K.

* TODO: ...

* TODO: use callback instead?

* TODO: Allow someone to indicate via an attribute (e.g. JsonIgnore) that a property should be excluded.

* TODO: cleanup this, including the location of the hidden livehelp frame.

* TODO: write a CORBA-binding

* TODO: walk the local queue of requests and carry them all out

* TODO: Should check for xterm with 88 or 256 colors.

* TODO: This shouldn't include the + string concat stuff. This

* TODO: add logic here.

* TODO: remove, GElementData is now a QDomDocument

* TODO: Daten prfen

* TODO: use colormap via PALETTE

* TODO: find abstract Option class for all options

* TODO: We ought to validate the dimension of the map against our

* TODO: Why have this???

* TODO: 1. check if file exists before open/write. if so, wait-and-lock for user

* TODO: probably need NE_SOCK_TRUNC in there too.

* TODO: Adds a cache for generated assemblies...

* TODO: use encryption (TextEditorService)

* TODO: make this happen on a clean operation only?

* TODO: action򵭽ҤƤ * *㡧 * *'index'=> array(),

* TODO: set_array_elements is missing!

* TODO: Move month and days to language files

* TODO: do without memcpys, preview buffers

* TODO: This enables everything. Provide CmdLnSwitch

* TODO: check if this is compatible with the Cocoa

* TODO: Use Image size to determine Frame size

* TODO: workout version from peerid

* TODO: so. If you do a mention in the credits or a mail to

* TODO: Write "investmentTransaction()"...

* TODO: X-Font-height, X-Font-width, etc

* TODO: it must be in agrement with "Threshold" for ElectonMatchAlg

* TODO: this is too slow, at least for XML::Comma (0.02 sec on p4@3GH...)

* TODO: check root element name

* TODO: colormap