Project»Much TODO


Vaporware at its finest. For this project I have been collecting and assembling unwritten software code. While this code remains to be written, its construction in thought has at least begun. The ideas, dreams, and procrastinations of software developers from around the world are manifested in this project by their 'TODO' comments which were left behind in code as little reminders. I have algorithmically collected nearly 100,000 of these comments from the Internet, giving precedence to quick 'one line' TODOs. The resulting conceptual software program contains instructions of thoughts only - no actions. It does everything, and nothing. It does just what I need, which is plenty.

A TODO tag is not necessarily a formal software coding element, but placing them in code is common practice among many developers. When found in code, it is assumed that the TODO thought/task has not yet been realized (it's also assumed that the task may not be absolutely necessary). When software code is finally compiled down into a program, the compiler recognizes and processes the comments by ignoring them.

There is still much todo on this project!
TODO: make fancy visualizations with the data
TODO: harvest even more todo comments
TODO: add multi-line todos to the archive
TODO: convince people this is good art
TODO: convince people this is good software

Here is a free, downloadable, runnable program created from 100,000 lines of TODO code:
MuchTODO.exe (DOS/Windows version)

Here is a small section of TODO code randomly pulled from the collection:

* TODO: a mayavi Module ClipPolyData with a customizale cut plane

* TODO: in english

* TODO: Add effect of eating something

* TODO: Need to report this ORB.init() problem to OpenORB developers!

* TODO: Initialize _preferences with the preferences skeleton

* TODO: an invocation asking the container which interceptors to apply is ugly

* TODO: fix urb->status race condition in write sequence

* TODO: should delete ones that were unclicked

* TODO: link) contains an example implementation of an NSTextContainer subclass

* TODO: nur default Konstruktor; Roland 11.02.2005

* TODO: redirections not implemented)

* TODO: this could cause problems, the reason being that the

* TODO: rescan??

* TODO: `..' will be listed when path is root.


* TODO: Create the tree model

* TODO: pre- and post-conditions

* TODO: columns definition

* TODO: Make a decision what's the right way to do this.

* TODO: handle the rgb (r, g, b) and rgb ( r%, g%, b%), syntax

* TODO: Specify mode!!!

* TODO: Have timing mechanism when port problems arise.

* TODO: global_lod_level

* TODO: figure out a way to discover URL parameters encoding, now UTF-8 is used, but

* TODO: all the user-info-handling should be done by ODB, xandi

* TODO: test pre-process and post-process scripts (Python ones?)

* TODO: charger les reglements de l'adhesion

* TODO: Should the transaction be rolled back in the finalize method if not commited?

* TODO: Do this for Win32?

* TODO: Added just to compile!

* TODO: test dispatch_callback

* TODO: add a SoftReference to hold the service class array

* TODO: IF txtChat's scrollbar is at the bottom

* TODO: disabled because not available in ALSA 0.9.0beta6

* TODO: Add accessor for $this->{_sheetname} for international Excel versions.

* TODO: place module unload here

* TODO: test here if the found node can contain nodes or text.

* TODO: support RSS 0.92 when aware of all subtle differences.

* TODO: process GO

* TODO: Auto-generated catch block

* TODO: compact with map?

* TODO: replace all this url2 mess with a proper method "areEquivalent(url1, url2)" that

* TODO: replace SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(context);

* TODO: implement it for serial-terminals

* TODO: Testen!

* TODO: rename max2lev.h to resource.h

* TODO: get rid of this later

* TODO: Make sure driver is loaded, and if not, load.

* TODO: provide a Dw_gtk_statuslabel_set function that doesn't do a

* TODO: change the 'data' object to use (void*) so that any object can be attached to the list

* TODO: merge the two cases in the if statement below

* TODO: add LMBCamParamDoubleRange for absolute features

* TODO: fix C++ txn_recover

* TODO: add encoding property

* TODO: Implement clipboard

* TODO: Proper error handling as per

* TODO: add warning message if not set

* TODO: case Accessibility.Private:

* TODO: set email\n");

* TODO: use MessageResource

* TODO: I think we should create a specific error for this


* TODO: move somewhere else (StoreGruops!?) - not necessarily available

* TODO: the actual work (in reacting on the event and calling changeResolutionREAL)

* TODO: 10 minutes pollMin when queue is full, ok?

* TODO: this should be done globally for all maps

* TODO: compute automatically

* TODO: get is nullable

* TODO: This debugging code is broken... No tos any longer.

* TODO: indent first line of paragraph) 0xd30b

* TODO: refactor to Eclipse standards (whatever that is...)

* TODO: this should never happen, so maybe we should remove this tab?

* TODO: add support for vertical layout

* TODO: check if this can be switched to a hybridID so clients with *.*.*.0 can be added..

* TODO: need to drill into the server object to get the socket address return null; } }

* TODO: should b

* TODO: should this throw exceptions?

* TODO: return super.toString() + " components: " + "";

* TODO: use command-line arguments

* TODO: How can we deal properly with this?

* TODO: register 'null' provider (global)

* TODO: Sanitise passphrase

* TODO: verify name doesn't already exist

* TODO: This is wrong since the Wizard does not have a selected configuration!

* TODO: test it some more

* TODO: * not_eol not_bol support on searchers

* TODO: is this right?

* TODO: widenting... operators

* TODO: move this to glwrappers.h in ppogl

* TODO: we have 2 reads here. change it

* TODO: add a cancel (or exit) method

* TODO: Documentation.

* TODO: unless exists $args{'Password'}, make a random password.

* TODO: I was thinking of using floats for these, but that gets

* TODO: generalize for other debate formats (make it a preference for a dialog)

* TODO: more to come (proxy settings, ...)

* TODO: REMOVE as soon as the loader works correctly

* TODO: imple

* TODO: Consider using exact expression (in terms of sinc) for the

* TODO: Change to "If submit privilege"

* TODO: Edit/Save modules!!

* TODO: Add ruby-talk reference

* TODO: gtk_icon_stock (?), gtk_icon_size (?), I am looking how to good implement.

* TODO: it would be really handy to have the RootUnslicer do Deferred

* TODO: support all the possible traces

* TODO: channel??

* TODO: want to look up "this cell" in the cache

* TODO: make me better

* TODO: woof -- why doesn't MSC itself have this problem?

* TODO: This is not working... on Gecko there is no "OnPaste" event that

* TODO: 180:o: Review udpEndpointTable cache timeout.

* TODO: ByteArrayOutputStream baos= new ByteArrayOutputStream();

* TODO: GVG Missing part. Run more robust tests

* TODO: handle POST

* TODO: could add the size of data being sent here and

* TODO: .... add the other IM server calls here


* TODO: check RegionInUse

* TODO: GUI? Wizard?

* TODO: Make this customizable on a per-user basis

* TODO: amiga/linux

* TODO: ensure that the encoding of individual items makes sense.

* TODO: move import to a separate component?@implementation SkyProject4DocumentEditor

* TODO: when this test fail, does it mean that moin code fail on that

* TODO: should probably decode/format the address, it could be in rfc2047 format

* TODO: FontDescription

* TODO: Enable this test, fix the code accordingly

* TODO: option to override this if you really know

* TODO: update notes in header above

* TODO: layout_context should not be stored!

* TODO: investigate these and replace with new Error Handling library

* TODO: Ensure that you remove @generated or mark it @generated NOT

* TODO: semid and mag is dependent of distance sun->earth

* TODO: c++doc this

* TODO: clarify semantics wrt rounding, negative values, whatever

* TODO: test on weird and unquantised midi input (lily-devel)

* TODO: split into one critic for inherited problems and

* TODO: is it possible that the beat_info hasn't been set at this point?

* TODO: This code is very similar as the Users module. Code reuse enhancement will be welcome.

* TODO: if !ladspa_presets/ && ~/.gdam/, then make dir ~/.gdam/ladspa_presets/

* TODO: Error-checking on input fields. i.e. make sure we enter a number

* TODO: make an incremental NFD Comparison function, which could

* TODO: Try it later, may be a a connection is in progress...

* TODO: : refaire la methode clone avec les ancestors

* TODO: Change to use plugin framework:

* TODO: This is VERY IMPORTANT!!! We must find a way to remove the XS

* TODO: make a clean reset. For now, launching another module after having

* TODO: why is that needed? if needed, move to com_dg_server.c!

* TODO: Need to optionally supply required attributes here for the search.

* TODO: Change this to be simpler class we define ourselves?

* TODO: Open virtual consoles. FIXME: Read a list from somewhere to

* TODO: make test independent on onterequalityComparer

* TODO: This is temporary class.

* TODO: svn should not be prompting for auth info when using

* TODO: E2/M1

* TODO: delete this class ? we use PHPAnnotationHover instead !

* TODO: Do we really always want that?

* TODO: RTV - some drivers need access to the cmdline args, e.g. for X or GTK

* TODO: call the emc jog interface code here

* TODO: find it !

* TODO: move this to UTIL/WIN

* TODO: check for and initialize FPU (native exception mode)

* TODO: To be removed!

* TODO: fixme (Penny)

* TODO: However, the conversion of function names will be cumb

* TODO: rb_define_method(cX509Attr, "to_a", ossl_x509attr_to_a, 0);

* TODO: This should be generalized so it doesn't have to be changed

* TODO: Note that this does _not_ handle any Vary header

* TODO: normally, the Symbian framework should have already set

* TODO: additional change messages "ALR_Change_NACAdded" und

* TODO: fix endian issues for v1/v2 formats...

* TODO: remove analysis code

* TODO: move to wxWindows)

* TODO: To be used?

* TODO: add the support of unicode in the dump.

* TODO: set modes to specification ...

* TODO: these need to actually pool at some point !

* TODO: forward INVITE to appropriate server.

* TODO: delete below if no longer needed

* TODO: class function GetEnvironmentVariable(variable: string): string;

* TODO: faster way for XMLObjects?

* TODO: Remove public access.

* TODO: Actually check parents here. For present purposes,

* TODO: investigate why the array structure of 'newarray' is lost in the saved file

* TODO: figure out its purpose.

* TODO: write an implementation of it

* TODO: Create other exception types that descend from EMixerError that

* TODO: items in the jumpbar are listed in alphabetical order instead

* TODO: do you need to free?

* TODO: Timestamps and CPU load

* TODO: should we move the cluster a little to the right to be in

* TODO: Change from using a reference to using a pointer to avoid ugly casting in calls.

* TODO: temporary plug. fix it

* TODO: static?

* TODO: ;;; * START/END keywords

* TODO: initialize lazily

* TODO: ",scalar @{$self->{stack}}," ";

* TODO: BatchRecord.prev/next/prev_batches/next_batches/query, prev.query,

* TODO: Stores data if dirty and requested.

* TODO: this, we are going to trace the startpoint and the endpoint of each partition...

* TODO: do something with the command line args here

* TODO: state changes don't work, if the pipeline is not playing

* TODO: EFS does something to `require' function. Should it be loaded

* TODO: This error message(s) should be outputed only during startup - otherwise we'll see a lot of

* TODO: Elimination of redundancy: simplifying logical expressions along ANDs, ORs and NOTs

* TODO: fix this

* TODO: Show user friendly message when user is logged or not -->

* TODO: in quoted strings?

* TODO: Add mac and so on...

* TODO: take dimension arguments.

* TODO: Should we force saving of the current page?

* TODO: magnification & canvas-positioning/-clipping

* TODO: prio=m, effort=1.0, descr=(merge)

* TODO: We can do this on 1.8 too, but we'd need to use headers which include private string API

* TODO: 303:o: Initialize ifXTable data.

* TODO: should be a pulldown, use acdropdown)

* TODO: Only one texture for the time. Add multitexture support, and shaders support.

* TODO: protected

* TODO: calulate us

* TODO: This could be done with a URL pointing to the course_html script.

* TODO: Add tests for parse_sk_line

* TODO: Most labels don't actually need to be created so we could

* TODO: add abililty to alert() instead of dump()? Should be easy.

* TODO: optimize or rewrite this mess

* TODO: Actually write up the friend declarations so these could be

* TODO: detect & handle m_atSum[] overflowing.

* TODO: This is only for testing yet.

* TODO: Use an appropriate string resource

* TODO: implement giving example

* TODO: Add marker methods for helper functions (getIndirectionHandler) that will be handled

* TODO: > and < are not working properly... maybe text comparison problem??

* TODO: : verify presence of ulid option field,

* TODO: Implement different operation parameters

* TODO: bl;

* TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying the CREATESTRUCT cs

* TODO: nested unary

* TODO: use "sources" when core sends it

* TODO: assemble qualifier from query values

* TODO: Throws NPE instead of IllegalArgumentException

* TODO: apply to prefs sprite sets (edit: I don't think so)

* TODO: only use 'test' psml for unit tests -

* TODO: we need to provide our own for portability

* TODO: Rewrite it to make it more generic and pass it to misc_tools.

* TODO: con_remove

* TODO: Freek out if Construct is adopted by a new parent

* TODO: when this is the entry point, we should use an INNER_JOIN for fetching the many-to-many elements!

* TODO: Also, maybe stop malloc'ing here, take a "char *" uri, modify

* TODO: Use single back-buffer cliprect where possible.

* TODO: NetLibClose(globalSocketLibRefNum, false);

* TODO: evtl. Mglickeit fr K-K einbauen (siehe getLocalPlayerColor())

* TODO: what does this extend?

* TODO: SetBorders(rcBorders);

* TODO: String newId;

* TODO: internationalisiere:

* TODO: Include references to help system, registers, and themes.

* TODO: write this and remove the hack!

* TODO: maybe we need to do a clone? pychannel->silcobj->context = pychannel;

* TODO: check windows on screen

* TODO: Test geht im Moment nur einmal --> am Ende des Testes den Eintrag auch wieder lschen

* TODO: facet or manipulator for periods? os

* TODO: index writing

* TODO: handle our style here

* TODO: please document what these parameters mean.

* TODO: GnomeVFSMethodFindDirectoryFunc find_directory;

* TODO: We should check $_FILES['file']['error']

* TODO: find a better solution (and performant)

* TODO: some smart thing that avoids duplicating the value in the

* TODO: do we really want this? it makes it so none of the values imported have create/update timestamps set

* TODO: not sure when this is used

* TODO: This works if only one subcategory exists. Otherwise, the first qu

* TODO: write test case

* TODO: remove this method in .11

* TODO: getOrientType()");

* TODO: make 2 strengths: one for stretching, and one for shrinking.

* TODO: 24 check if C || BW

* TODO: * consistent naming, pref. within a common prefix (ouch)

* TODO: * Support ghost/release/recover methods.

* TODO: should be better implemented

* TODO: USE USER MANAGER INSTEAD! s = [[self user] login]; if ([s length] < 10) return s;

* TODO: This method will need to decrement counters in the memory blocks so

* TODO: Eigentlich keine verschachtelten Tabellen erlaubt!


* TODO: If delete fails, we should be able to retrieve the deleted

* TODO: Hay que hacer primero el mostrar el cuadro de diálogo y después

* TODO: useless?

* TODO: later, we should double-dispatch this to the project roster,

* TODO: It would be kind of nice to make sure that they are actually

* TODO: levels need checking (e.g LOG_NOTICE)

* TODO: This should now be here, what we need to have is a rectangle

* TODO: ln gd_io.h gd16 by hand to get the png compiled

* TODO: change port

* TODO: support USING/FORCE/IGNORE index

* TODO: implement in win32

* TODO: This doesn't work well since the Provider is created programmatically

* TODO: Problem: In our polish preference store we do not have the properties from the JavaEditor.

* TODO: mencionar aqu los encabezados adicionales que el programa necesita

* TODO: calculate ../ sequences to the path

* TODO: Add documentation about weak linking (see intro.txt).

* TODO: this optimization is very efficient: put it again when all works

* TODO: need to add throttling

* TODO: add "encoding" attribute to xml header

* TODO: translate into English, macushla -- ls

* TODO: Sockets/threads with no activity will be killed

* TODO: This can be generalised by making the type of the regex_rule into a

* TODO: This is NOT BC yet : it derives from a uic-generated class

* TODO: virtual void setup(); called when iconview needs to know the height of the item

* TODO: Write unit tests for an understanding of this kind of mystery.

* TODO: check that name and value do not contain illegal characters

* TODO: replace mergeSort with quickSort!

* TODO: This will be updated with a newer version from web


* TODO: optimize for adjacent blocks ...

* TODO: dynamicaly set max_xcap_requests according to

* TODO: add option for an error callback

* TODO: font (big/medium/small, or bold etc)

* TODO: not used yet (but will on second patch)

* TODO: Could do with re-organizing this.

* TODO: document error codes.

* TODO: have this funtion bring up dialog for each of the selected files

* TODO: data types are not yet fully supported by swish

* TODO: Die Konstanten sind irgendwie unbekannt

* TODO: portable? maybe use $0?

* TODO: is this some kind of test not finished ?

* TODO: Fix the following code remove the default and put factory

* TODO: use xclass' OXTextEdit?

* TODO: SELECT von contentSize wird noch nicht unterstuetzt.

* TODO: Is there a better way to test for a text file?

* TODO: package jaugment2.openh323telephone;

* TODO: there are various places where we determine the first handler in our array which

* TODO: might be an idea to have a method that reports version of Winsock in use

* TODO: coin doc for SoEvent: find out which position to use

* TODO: Toll free bridges for CFNumber, CFDate, CFBoolean.

* TODO: Who uses mSubjects in SearchResult?


* TODO: Convert all calls of this to call mvccuwaddstr (or mvccwaddnstr) !

* TODO: make this into a template, but first I want to think about what exactly to put in

* TODO: can we ensure that the namespace code is already in the

* TODO: Handle this better.

* TODO: Test => mehr als eine Position in Angebot, Bestellsumme > 0

* TODO: don't use getppid, get it from somewhere else!

* TODO: handle different wrapping modes

* TODO: sample kill" },

* TODO: Add complete failure for certain number of retries.

* TODO: uh, hmm..

* TODO: decide if there are any useful statistics from the SCB.

* TODO: could be optimized to forget about non used axis values

* TODO: XML doesn't have inter-index cross-refs!

* TODO: This bug seems to be elsewhere. If it actually ok to di? Effective?

* TODO: package jaugment2.UI.UIManager;

* TODO: : remove fork() calls when delivering mail...

* TODO: woof -- still crummy (ptr)

* TODO: what to do with unknown entities

* TODO: Add any construct

* TODO: Not sure why, but this

* TODO: 5. Implement DB based Properties

* TODO: is that the right thing to do? Should we always return "almost"

* TODO: make work on msloss jus' for kicks [workin' on it...]

* TODO: activate printing

* TODO: Get rid of this!!

* TODO: remove this output.

* TODO: [in]= Mode::modeReadWrite | Mode::shareDenyNone

* TODO: convert to proper object

* TODO: Move to a separate module

* TODO: this may not always work. E.g. for target/targetname, we might

* TODO: add a message to let the user know

* TODO: resources (fix the build file)

* TODO: if type is TOSFILE make bnetd to send default tosfile if selected is not found

* TODO: ORACLE - An convert is needed because right now everything that Oracle is

* TODO: check for outlying metarooms

* TODO: we may find that the large number of function calls that qsort()

* TODO: our clipping, but we don't want this to change what's returned

* TODO: this should implement a "Question" interface or sth

* TODO: This shouldn't be necessary

* TODO: This method is really too big ! split up !

* TODO: Change to Internal

* TODO: not used

* TODO: hold the single property sets weak

* TODO: Could be optimized by using interlocked methods..

* TODO: in-place editing of titlebar

* TODO: need to throttle output some how.

* TODO: Run this ONLY if the sequence SHOULDN'T be zero ...

* TODO: try to make any method more efficient that is possible

* TODO: implement Query.UNLIMITED_FEATURES or something

* TODO: add LabelView...

* TODO: anything.

* TODO: Add recovery on error, or set error bit

* TODO: use the above retardation in this stuff

* TODO: change CertMessage to DumFeatureMessage.

* TODO: gb_folder_set_toolbar_style

* TODO: Maximize to screen?

* TODO: This shouldn't be here

* TODO: could call parent and merge lists

* TODO: Support encrypted files loaded via FILE instance. Note however, this is

* TODO: fix this to return all visible correlation sets?

* TODO: This is probably bad that I'm not using

* TODO: If these version checks fail, then look for a compatible XULRunner

* TODO: < 0 instead of

* TODO: generalize ou=CyrusAccounts

* TODO: rename this field when

* TODO: fix this after name is standardized

* TODO: This is not a very beautiful solution.

* TODO: that list is probably not be up-to-date)

* TODO: doesn't like if prefixing zeros are missing

* TODO: it right now

* TODO: should redraw depend, cas a traiter

* TODO: Needs texture generation functions.

* TODO: ability

* TODO: add getFQName() to ClassRef

* TODO: however, i am not sure how to read in the file in without

* TODO: add improved support for incremental parsing

* TODO: Is anything else required to initialize the video subsystem?

* TODO: with-params

* TODO: emit light.


* TODO: On MacOS X default to gui if argv[0] ends in:

* TODO: Get rid of this outlet and use Cocoa bindings to update the

* TODO: we are just looking at one cell in this step of recrusion!!! -> less to prepare

* TODO: mid; or infinite peak clipping, which sends everything above mid

* TODO: We throw NPE iso IAE

* TODO: Think about this auto-behavior

* TODO: this needs to send the current byte[] one day!

* TODO: check if password has expired etc.

* TODO: "--" => "&emdash;" browser specific display (not cached?)

* TODO: update this documentation.

* TODO: implement (fast) pfnpgdat_idx conversion functions, this makes lots

* TODO: change this for spreadsheets

* TODO: Determine what to do when encountering illegal dates

* TODO: Need to add protocol type parameter.

* TODO: make it flat

* TODO: load the extended status in the status view

* TODO: partial receives. The emulation to handle this condition

* TODO: how does this work for WIN

* TODO: ; - Monochrome adapter detection

* TODO: we could do something similar as the native javascript array object

* TODO: ;;; - fix flag handling for functions like sfset

* TODO: it yourself by constructing, using shapes like TSTRD1, TSTRD2,

* TODO: Are errno values complete and correcs?

* TODO: this list is by no means complete nor accurate

* TODO: We still need code to specify position and size. Due to the advanced

* TODO: find a way (if possible) to use the parser-analyser

* TODO: there could be another

* TODO: hier noch entsprechend implementieren wie im TextObj

* TODO: need this or not?

* TODO: make this a constructor argument

* TODO: ET forward to specific method of daymatrix the in/decreases events[]

* TODO: Need better docs; what's a session and why and how do you use it

* TODO: Explain format of config files ...

* TODO: Reimplement it following the new structure. Now it's never called as

* TODO: Use bulk call

* TODO: Add any initialization after the InitComponent call

* TODO: add atom:source elements

* TODO: main arguments?

* TODO: This is not making sense. For now make it an unclickable link

* TODO: saveMe(String filename)

* TODO: volume slide for currentEFfect &0xf0???

* TODO: the player could be inserted more than one time... is it right?

* TODO: Implement.");

* TODO: check below should be first, if only Sun could fix RFE #4093999.

* TODO: private final JSpiceConf jspice_conf;

* TODO: optimize that?):

* TODO: rename to ClassDef

* TODO: confirm

* TODO: better logging

* TODO: Implementation dependent, what should we test?

* TODO: Create them once at the beginning, and reuse them for the whole

* TODO: Use the TextEvent to finetune the reconciling process.

* TODO: adaptar esto para que permita cargar mas de una vez.

* TODO: PIN, uid

* TODO: factory construction methods?

* TODO: BPR's need to be handled at any time, not just when syncing.

* TODO: | not sure if this should return true or false |

* TODO: update

* TODO: Test that state indicates failure

* TODO: handle catalog/schema properly

* TODO: if the property name changes we need to update the aliases as well

* TODO: check if istream::fail() returns false when closed file

* TODO: if all DTD declares unparsed entity *before*

* TODO: make this PHP modular.

* TODO: Tell the loaded modules about this so that they can clean up after

* TODO: correct

* TODO: Localization ?

* TODO: Add require check for dynamics

* TODO: ", "contacts:"

* TODO: shouldn't this be more cautious (and reset global_id?)

* TODO: reimplement capture

* TODO: checks against nFilterLengt

* TODO: Walker can be generated only for tree description module

* TODO: DEJ20050528 this is an interesting way to round the number, according to the JavaDoc

* TODO: Auf ANSI-Codes ueberpruefen (wenn aktiviert)

* TODO: can likely optimize use of ldap_get_values_len() below for Std types

* TODO: this code can probably be integrated into the code above!

* TODO: add boot code here!!!

* TODO: one function per file + doc !!

* TODO: Add the virtual position support?

* TODO: put all headers somewhere (sorted)

* TODO: Server Sent back a key I didn't ask for or my

* TODO: call notify() ?

* TODO: Should actually read the real preference here

* TODO: this, we need to go up the tree from the start, and prepend those tags.

* TODO: and return code)