Project»Much TODO


Vaporware at its finest. For this project I have been collecting and assembling unwritten software code. While this code remains to be written, its construction in thought has at least begun. The ideas, dreams, and procrastinations of software developers from around the world are manifested in this project by their 'TODO' comments which were left behind in code as little reminders. I have algorithmically collected nearly 100,000 of these comments from the Internet, giving precedence to quick 'one line' TODOs. The resulting conceptual software program contains instructions of thoughts only - no actions. It does everything, and nothing. It does just what I need, which is plenty.

A TODO tag is not necessarily a formal software coding element, but placing them in code is common practice among many developers. When found in code, it is assumed that the TODO thought/task has not yet been realized (it's also assumed that the task may not be absolutely necessary). When software code is finally compiled down into a program, the compiler recognizes and processes the comments by ignoring them.

There is still much todo on this project!
TODO: make fancy visualizations with the data
TODO: harvest even more todo comments
TODO: add multi-line todos to the archive
TODO: convince people this is good art
TODO: convince people this is good software

Here is a free, downloadable, runnable program created from 100,000 lines of TODO code:
MuchTODO.exe (DOS/Windows version)

Here is a small section of TODO code randomly pulled from the collection:

* TODO: in Cursor verlagern!

* TODO: Of course its better a regex

* TODO: For ODP add QDateTime and QTime operations honoring system settings

* TODO: can we pass in field?

* TODO: materials should be indexed too

* TODO: create a socket bound to the localInetAddress

* TODO: fix this method to get the correct ip address and add it into the return value.

* TODO: RunScripts("DPkg::Post-Invoke");

* TODO: Perhaps store this within a3dl

* TODO: manage line number when we talk about delc and other phases.

* TODO: install the txt files from bzrlib.doc.api.

* TODO: Get adds.

* TODO: clear all bindings, toggle visibility of helper windows

* TODO: Support more HTML::Entities: (C) for copy, --- for mdash, -- for ndash

* TODO: The check for NO_REMOTE does not take into consideration the line-of-descent

* TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'dataSet1.Scenes' t

* TODO: But how to: from_bin, from_mpi? PACK?

* TODO: Find a decent size for the track buffer.

* TODO: need to rethink

* TODO: work-around for bug in Tamino API

* TODO: why is it exactly that sometimes it is NULL?

* TODO: Set this automatically according to the size of the text drawn.

* TODO: seed the RNG here

* TODO: Integrity checks

* TODO: why initial /

* TODO: set button as inactive if we can't go in

* TODO: Improve the following by managing

* TODO: implement UndefinedType, that is used only when an error is encountered.

* TODO: parameters whenever possible

* TODO: Format strings using nestedObjectType, if set...

* TODO: VFP load.

* TODO: $text\n");

* TODO: remove MAX_LABEL_LENGTH and pass responsibility for short names to

* TODO: handle input length which is not a multiple of 8 as suggested by

* TODO: : faire des tests : supprimer des turntables de la liste puis en rajouter de nouveau !!!!!!!!!!

* TODO: hier noch entsprechend implementieren wie im TextObj

* TODO: Read last used font from registry

* TODO: CHange name to ContentsTabFilterAction

* TODO: show another widget

* TODO: this, and we will verify it in CheckMediaType

* TODO: Implement login function once database design is complete.

* TODO: nested blocks (@media)

* TODO: isn't very good idea

* TODO: added because nick doesn't like publi

* TODO: use a show_ingredients function to perform this task

* TODO: is null ok?

* TODO: add more systems (in alphabetical order)

* TODO: Stores data if dirty and requested.

* TODO: Ensure dboid is numeric?OidType oid = stringToOid( el.text() );assert( oid != 0

* TODO: WORKAROUND: Dont receive until the data is handled some way

* TODO: array. After all, we don't want to write two

* TODO: implement the rest of the Parse overloads found in Int16

* TODO: All this code looks too complicated (and a big mess somewhere),

* TODO: Make the RDFModelLoaderMenu an Extra instead of hardcoding it here.

* TODO: store in TransparencyInformation object

* TODO: handle case of the vector

* TODO: remove this ! not portable !

* TODO: ڴӿؼ֪ͨ

* TODO: package;

* TODO: Add other read_value operations.

* TODO: close & save all buffer..

* TODO: should only tag as unreachable if the catchblock cannot be reached

* TODO: must be changed once image->transf and transf are combined

* TODO: Fix me later ;)

* TODO: replace STL with generic console

* TODO: docume

* TODO: write something about different types)

* TODO: * UCS-4 instead of ascii.

* TODO: Type checking:

* TODO: Let's try to dispense with some of these constructors!

* TODO: Keep this method? Is it useful?

* TODO: stuff from OpInviteUrl missing,: dialMethod(???) needed? what does it do? need investigation.

* TODO: accessor from lock


* TODO: Use csRandomGen for this

* TODO: Make an interface InputService from this.

* TODO: return cached one ?

* TODO: BinaryExpressions could be modelled as functions, allowing the same

* TODO: What if multiple matches? Spec isn't so clear on this.

* TODO: ugh, it is not clear what properties are mutable and which

* TODO: what kind of event is generated when one is mapped?


* TODO: Prioritize lights

* TODO: should an error be reported?

* TODO: assemble this

* TODO: rubicon/language/regexp.test contains also many

* TODO: detect allocation failure and free this at ws close.

* TODO: let this depend on the type of shell used.

* TODO: return only first line

* TODO: Describe them.

* TODO: Not yet implemented error handler

* TODO: make this better?

* TODO: This is a bit of a kludge i think - the CompletedOk part that is!

* TODO: makedefault

* TODO: Your menu handler here

* TODO: allow the volume to slowly wind down before pausing.

* TODO: check that this is correct

* TODO: This was removed to remove a crash when connecting to a non-existent db }

* TODO: Translation of the comments into English

* TODO: delete from shortcuts too

* TODO: Set_sensitive for add subfolders menu entry?

* TODO: add construction code here,

* TODO: This line has been commented out because it is what is causing the breaks in sound when

* TODO: bits 8-15 of iMode may contain RBW_6k.

* TODO: Formating routines

* TODO: (this was older description of the class - do we still want this?)

* TODO: this isset( $app_list_strings['dom_email_status'][$this->status]) is hack for 3261.

* TODO: do we need to configure it with all the bliki formatting rules?

* TODO: test that it also works for new files.

* TODO: how to do this with xinerama?

* TODO: Rename class to Repository, getCurrentLOC to getCurrentLines, getAuthors to getLogins

* TODO: this next line generate warnings for undefined macro replacements.

* TODO: use modeMatch!

* TODO: UI for composing

* TODO: do a selector-type architecture

* TODO: We should try to fix this in the future.

* TODO: replace ? setSize(new Dimension(300,300));

* TODO: vertex programm optimisation (& choose the vb accordingly)

* TODO: recount!] source-lines of code, but a lot happens within that small compass.

* TODO: This is the simplest check. Should enhance this

* TODO: Im regulren Ausdruck wird eine Warnung erzeugt. Wegmachen.

* TODO: What to do with console cursor functions when output r

* TODO: why is this used?

* TODO: make this caller-selectable

* TODO: Move month and days to language files

* TODO: string concatenation with it, and you couldn't do free store

* TODO: is this comment still relevant ??

* TODO: finish this onece the bean serializer has the necessary methods

* TODO: Should be able to auto figure what type of entry we are asking for ie: DN entry.

* TODO: Disconnect future signal handlers for notify.

* TODO: Allow browser override and check if locale available, if so configured

* TODO: implement this!

* TODO: put account list here

* TODO: prune unneeded nodes to save space

* TODO: we should add at least the PDE JUnit and its pre-reqs

* TODO: Use a single implementation of ReWrapLines that takes starting line and number of lines to rewrap

* TODO: This is all a gross hack!!!!

* TODO: FIXME rename to CPsiBlastInputMsa

* TODO: Renders the textblock object

* TODO: log this

* TODO: convert offset to time range in the form used by au

* TODO: try CONCAT for multi-column pk

* TODO: variables['fields'] should be cleared.

* TODO: Change catalog...

* TODO: currently if compression is set, the library only support

* TODO: Database stuff, user pass ok?

* TODO: need /s?

* TODO: Image list support

* TODO: Add bus handler functions for all busses

* TODO: may be os must be an option?

* TODO: Use PyObjC_ObjCToPython/PyObjC_PythonToObjC!

* TODO: error check

* TODO: remove this code once bug 62405 is fixed for the mainstream GTK

* TODO: In the future, when converting the database, write out to a


* TODO: Support for decimal and thousand separator, trailing/leading minus sign

* TODO: d is ignored...

* TODO: better and different icons

* TODO: menus.

* TODO: alter table to automatically update when there is some changes?!


* TODO: change error message below to something user-viewable

* TODO: link

* TODO: getPropertyEditorClass() Gets any explicit PropertyEditor

* TODO: handle experience/command control here, hardcoded value."""

* TODO: look in NR for whether the third param should be -1,0,+1?

* TODO: There is two optimisations we could do here:

* TODO: Check threading issues for this file.

* TODO: combine this with menu action

* TODO: Implement even/odd row shading

* TODO: Analyze pathreturn false;}Collection * WidgetH

* TODO: not used - why?

* TODO: think about this...

* TODO: perhaps use defined(_M_IX86)

* TODO: Add edited highlighting

* TODO: we should somewhere free all allocated properties.

* TODO: settings need to be saved in view options

* TODO: use ft_node_err more often so we dont really

* TODO: security management and finishing cleaning (ex copy from

* TODO: Modeling heap and incoming pointers becomes much better if we

* TODO: V is sorted, so use a binary search.

* TODO: get text origin from somewhere

* TODO: could we use some magic number ? Look at the SQL type ?

* TODO: use a hash table when available!


* TODO: MySQLDataStore is not yet tested for MySQL 4.1's geometric datatypes.

* TODO: Add a check for a custom font choice policy set in the

* TODO: freeing figures twice?! (pooya)

* TODO: get palette from input

* TODO: handle multiple selects

* TODO: should we add an

* TODO: CR-LF pair>).

* TODO: add different cell technologies, like GSM, UMTS, ...

* TODO: Insert org_name, provider_url?

* TODO: Check processor type

* TODO: Implement this one..

* TODO: Use Olivier Callot's associator in reconstructable method

* TODO: list files does not ever have to read from Nomad player, after inital read

* TODO: gnome-dev-removable-scsi

* TODO: Verify that "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" must be the first line!

* TODO: Maybe have a bool bMenusAndToolbarsInited.

* TODO: resolve properly.

* TODO: use popen for windows compat.

* TODO: seam calculation?

* TODO: Add class option.

* TODO: Restore all flags on link 'down'.

* TODO: 'Connect' these htsearch features to this API

* TODO: difference between class & typename?

* TODO: insert out of memory check & oom killer

* TODO: do we need to re-upload in case of usage of the paletted texture extension ?

* TODO: what about null/nil values?

* TODO: not yet, uses qmg instead).

* TODO: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

* TODO: is isxdigit() ANSI???

* TODO: ; SquirrelMail itself will add the final "return true".

* TODO: this file needs major cleanups and bug fixes.

* TODO: I noticed there is also a %5.5s variation in magic...

* TODO: I (Linus Tolke) don't understand why I get a warning

* TODO: it would be better if this was done at the higher level by Printer

* TODO: generalize into a design rationale logging facility.

* TODO: we don't implement these

* TODO: support array

* TODO: On CRIS, we have a PTE Global bit which should be set in

* TODO: FAT mirroring as an option

* TODO: add eval error trapping. if there's a problem, return

* TODO: should use property introspection instead

* TODO: make this limit a mutable property

* TODO: System.err.println("text hit");

* TODO: Implement this javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse method

* TODO: We could someday use boost::shared_pointer, but SO much machinery....

* TODO: listSupportedEncodings();

* TODO: pretty inefficient...use int[] when you have time

* TODO: implement some methods to recognize class-/typeinformation about

* TODO: possibly should rethrow some types of exception.

* TODO: Consider adding Path ( support to this class

* TODO: Document this class.

* TODO: add to catalog and use catgets

* TODO: insert new edge into graph

* TODO: erase client should be independent of players

* TODO: this class should probably be extended with special treatment for dimensions

* TODO: replace this with something usable, e.g.:

* TODO: this is _very_ inefficient. Switching the out and tracking the logs

* TODO: factor/wrap Bonobo_Stream dependency to cspi/bonobo

* TODO: do proper vertical alignment

* TODO: need checks on number of arguments

* TODO: compile libcube without geom.cpp !!")

* TODO: Are errno values complete and correct?

* TODO: what it normally would. Unfortunately exceptions dont work well with

* TODO: set some defaults here possbily read default content from file

* TODO: used kozoomhandled

* TODO: better download/upload speed reporting

* TODO: where to define the schema info? domain range etc

* TODO: build an "action array" from an initial parsing of fmt

* TODO: check after printable text for COMMANDS

* TODO: Add matching when paths are appended (i.e. 'cat' currently

* TODO: should check here whether the overlay has changed or not: use a

* TODO: make this look less hacky


* TODO: implement ignoreError() to ignore errrors with a certain code

* TODO: What is this thing? A foreground graphical

* TODO: make this 2nd part multi process able by

* TODO: implement persistent logging

* TODO: Need to update this so that frequency and format can be changed after

* TODO: check for duplicate actions

* TODO: Check if EntityMode.POJO appropriate

* TODO: because of having 2 base classes, we need to call all their setup and teardown methods

* TODO: dataset into it. This way we will have the #

* TODO: fetch icon list from resource file

* TODO: add attributes to the arraylist that will affect move

* TODO: this is a gcc extension, very handy, but

* TODO: describe how to write the class and other details.

* TODO: add file handlers to save to log file

* TODO: we should check if there is already a declaration with

* TODO: Change bind address according to user settings.

* TODO: add built-in support for record-route and route

* TODO: Add output conformance checking

* TODO: delete file

* TODO: delete more than one row if possible

* TODO: kein gescheiter UNIT Test by now!!

* TODO: .... The dataBuffer member contains a buffer with data

* TODO: see if all heretic palettes are properly managed

* TODO: both type and typeid are used,

* TODO: advanced scanning functions

* TODO: If delete fails, we should be able to retrieve the deleted

* TODO: test '=='

* TODO: obtain from

* TODO: confirm choice of access permissions.

* TODO: BeginInvoke, EndInvoke are missing.

* TODO: robustify it

* TODO: implement this as a factory

* TODO: void flockfile(FILE *);

* TODO: The AI doesn't rally make use of the multifight, and it cannot really

* TODO: have attribute to indicate an edit in progress

* TODO: GetMethodImplementationFlags

* TODO: support for several codecs

* TODO: moving cursor around

* TODO: Add unittests (in test/

* TODO: a better solution to do that?

* TODO: make it public without the need to pull stdarg.h.

* TODO: digest-challenge tken has no order preference??

* TODO: Create exception for this

* TODO: mach es so generisch, da damit jedes Servlet gewrappt werden kann, und

* TODO: any setups that may be required later on

* TODO: set Users Theme

* TODO: This isn't the correct way to handle the priority. At the moment of

* TODO: the data uploaded with this request.

* TODO: Why is this done twice?

* TODO: one should be able to remove one extra copy by copying directy

* TODO: appname.

* TODO: Delete user picture

* TODO: Task->M, worker=

* TODO: parmi les dérivations complètes, ne retenir que celles qui ont le moins de noeuds,

* TODO: so. If you do a mention in the credits or a mail to

* TODO: initialize lazily

* TODO: el fichero pasa por esta funcion

* TODO: provide support for internationalization

* TODO: 101:o: |-> Review snmpNotifyFilterTable registration context.

* TODO: Maybe when an AI goes bankrupt, this is de-init

* TODO: do the lookup once, minor speed improvment

* TODO: should support translator IDs, and creation?

* TODO: fix bug that causes only

* TODO: this is buggy chooser.getSelectedFiles();

* TODO: Not implemented (obsolete?)

* TODO: Put in call to broker once the broker API is done.

* TODO: clean up redudant code in CPP, Compile, Link, and Execute

* TODO: NodeLocations own inner class, which calculates maxX, and maxY

* TODO: any modifications???

* TODO: should call super, reduce code volume!

* TODO: Stuff that covers the whole of Tikka:

* TODO: How to check if running Cygwin or Win32 XEmacs ?

* TODO: Ensure there always is a parent by making sure

* TODO: remove these externals


* TODO: TODO: Extend to AP

* TODO: check if name resolution in fst_session_connect() failed

* TODO: consider word spacing, stripping \n, \r, \t

* TODO: Currently, an application can toss up forms and the forms appear

* TODO: This will become a config option -- perhaps desirable for

* TODO: Write this function in ParserDisplay. Uncomment then.

* TODO: this is only needed because org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main removes the application

* TODO: Tor: Remove (QueueTrace)

* TODO: getRequiredFeatures()");

* TODO: Make this work! }

* TODO: write the implementation

* TODO: Add window exit listener

* TODO: We probably should have a StatisticsNotPublishedException, to make it clean

* TODO: I must implement this feature.

* TODO: Optimize this some.

* TODO: , extact this from method!!

* TODO: Add code here to parse out value for system_potential_processors and partition_max_entitled_capacity

* TODO: move to abstract db class

* TODO: document the reason for this

* TODO: identify text of gesture

* TODO: don't require exact match for return type

* TODO: Finish the optional second plus skills. Necessary for Inscription at least.

* TODO: add other media formats here

* TODO: implement properly

* TODO: This is not X specific, do that with the standard

* TODO: tune this

* TODO: Some characters must be escaped.

* TODO: release key somewhere? maybe not necessary because it (must)

* TODO: so;

* TODO: Make me some nicer icons :).

* TODO: Forking (return more than one target)

* TODO: This could be exported

* TODO: should this go into strings.c ?

* TODO: Implement SUB')

* TODO: Actions should be singleton. (All state variables should be static.)

* TODO: hour in 12h

* TODO: this and pdf_image() can probably be merged into a single function

* TODO: Hier kann man doch sicher was mit Generics reissen!!!

* TODO: must be read from the ASN.1 structure

* TODO: UGLY setProject/ addProject conditions

* TODO: use the MediaWiki language class to return the language name for "Special"

* TODO: pick up appropriate UI colors


* TODO: probably could call renderForeground here (with x,y,w,h)

* TODO: don't put this in a header file, so that we don't have to

* TODO: float pickle

* TODO: handle error cases

* TODO: compute automatically

* TODO: version is unkown?!

* TODO: timeouts.

* TODO: remove it in next major release.

* TODO: Vector sections in data statements");

* TODO: cont+ws? grn proc? as-needed? hook?

* TODO: is this a warning or error?

* TODO: implement the above functions

* TODO: catch any errors that occur here

* TODO: Insert a thunk here so that the input stream passed to the writer

* TODO: Checar esta funcin!!

* TODO: add the defined function tables.

* TODO: add reinitialization

* TODO: How can I figure out what the optimal max size will be depending on the proportion of the fonts?

* TODO: that we need to scan the whole line from left

* TODO: think about a more universal solution!

* TODO: non-optimal as ResourceSyncInfo is created each time

* TODO: please go bye-bye

* TODO: but it would be

* TODO: Does this really belong here? Is it commonly used? If it really

* TODO: we really should draw something before this point, since the

* TODO: Consider macro-izing this.

* TODO: what synchronization considerations apply here? can we make use of an async perform?

* TODO: make a check in


* TODO: include

* TODO: sets the items in the final dropdown

* TODO: check for duplicate splits using a char* -> void* hashtable

* TODO: Old, prior to 3.2

* TODO: 3 Interface this with Utilities Base. Figure out what the

* TODO: message should be translated

* TODO: Do not store anything controller specific inside the info object!!!

* TODO: fix Unicode D.K.

* TODO: possible 4th class, STRING_SLOPPY,

* TODO: generic base class

* TODO: the image

* TODO: make it simpler

* TODO: this is too slow, at least for XML::Comma (0.02 sec on p4@3GH...)

* TODO: Do some validity checks on all fields. In particular,

* TODO: Check if it is

* TODO: check if directory exist should be done earlier

* TODO: what

* TODO: alloc To_Prime (N) or Last elems?

* TODO: use iterator

* TODO: Create and add a definition for a bug object

* TODO: support type2 messages already!\n");

* TODO: Provide description for "ReportGenerator1".

* TODO: `..' will be listed when path is root.

* TODO: i think there is a new version of the unicode, which we should use.

* TODO: should really do a range check here

* TODO: Use dpkt

* TODO: Define printing by using the QPainter methods here

* TODO: what is the desired behavier here?

* TODO: try to create the xml folder only once per test

* TODO: Find another font

* TODO: handle \n --> xFF0A + xFF0D?

* TODO: get this to work

* TODO: Define authorization rules in ArticleLiveContent

* TODO: this for, but it makes us change the code for all of them.

* TODO: initial size parameter for pdc_sb_new().

* TODO: Move this...

* TODO: add custom field handling

* TODO: proper video layout buildup in gui

* TODO: - throw more specific exception class/message

* TODO: Copy old db to tmp file and then build the new db directly

* TODO: implement etk_paned_children_get

* TODO: is this a bug or do we intend this?

* TODO: fix history file name

* TODO: add a version, with lesser output

* TODO: Lock database

* TODO: check strlen against MAXPATH

* TODO: pipeline the division

* TODO: throw them out of the room

* TODO: Check size of split tables, too

* TODO: move to another file)

* TODO: We need to find out what CPU flags we have in order to set

* TODO: setting flags

* TODO: This should keep track of the assembly versions that we are loading.

* TODO: when albie makes this more accessible

* TODO: Add disposable

* TODO: Consider making this a .oct file, incorporating

* TODO: report exception

* TODO: 1. sorting-rank

* TODO: Split this function in several ones

* TODO: NOTE: not tested on EMBL data, which may not be bijective; ie two

* TODO: apply binary search

* TODO: Move to PageItem_ImageFrame

* TODO: Replace ereg_replace with the faster preg_replace (before, learn syntax of pcre...)

* TODO: Change from using a reference to using a pointer to avoid ugly casting in calls.

* TODO: replace it with the blitting operation above! *

* TODO: figure out a zero-copy strategy...

* TODO: Does not handle border very well - if at all

* TODO: Change this to reflect Melding !!!!

* TODO: 1) Add the code to retry on syncing if we don't get a response...

* TODO: Remove when GEF with this fixed and incorporated

* TODO: duplicated glyph

* TODO: comment me

* TODO: hardcoded

* TODO: we can only handle one NUL-terminated extensions field

* TODO: clean this up. This should be a simple dispatching routine,

* TODO: Set name and ID in the constructors to be

* TODO: This rectangle may be approximative. We should improve the algorithm.

* TODO: int ftrylockfile(FILE *);

* TODO: fix this by conditionally copying `data' to

* TODO: bitdepth 12 & 20

* TODO: move it back to old_dir, if error?

* TODO: Verify that the item is visible!

* TODO: mains

* TODO: public static void listSupportedTargetTypes()

* TODO: path should be lib1:lib2:

* TODO: handle JAXP class

* TODO: Insert pointer to descruction method here

* TODO: extend this to find comments

* TODO: convert args

* TODO: This has yet to be verified.

* TODO: add max total dl/ul speed

* TODO: Rest of the properties

* TODO: deal with this now-commented-out code:

* TODO: Write me

* TODO: 0 = all, evtl. einstellbar?