Project»Much TODO


Vaporware at its finest. For this project I have been collecting and assembling unwritten software code. While this code remains to be written, its construction in thought has at least begun. The ideas, dreams, and procrastinations of software developers from around the world are manifested in this project by their 'TODO' comments which were left behind in code as little reminders. I have algorithmically collected nearly 100,000 of these comments from the Internet, giving precedence to quick 'one line' TODOs. The resulting conceptual software program contains instructions of thoughts only - no actions. It does everything, and nothing. It does just what I need, which is plenty.

A TODO tag is not necessarily a formal software coding element, but placing them in code is common practice among many developers. When found in code, it is assumed that the TODO thought/task has not yet been realized (it's also assumed that the task may not be absolutely necessary). When software code is finally compiled down into a program, the compiler recognizes and processes the comments by ignoring them.

There is still much todo on this project!
TODO: make fancy visualizations with the data
TODO: harvest even more todo comments
TODO: add multi-line todos to the archive
TODO: convince people this is good art
TODO: convince people this is good software

Here is a free, downloadable, runnable program created from 100,000 lines of TODO code:
MuchTODO.exe (DOS/Windows version)

Here is a small section of TODO code randomly pulled from the collection:

* TODO: compositeid's - how ? (SingleSeveral.hbm.xml test)

* TODO: find out the ids for the Vista Imaging ViCAM

* TODO: It is ugly, but we need equals()!

* TODO: We may have non-emitting entry states as well.

* TODO: Strafing, evasiveness, etc

* TODO: add options for $hr options - however these may not

* TODO: make modules of these!

* TODO: abs can be a special case, too...?

* TODO: Chat Plugin

* TODO: add mouse or joystick support

* TODO: We should be performing a hot fix here (if the recover

* TODO: Insert error handling.

* TODO: this could be handled with virtual properties, and a IPropertyHandler implementation, and PROP_FLAGs

* TODO: Use label, but wrapping seems dodgy.

* TODO: Names are no longer stored in SearchResult

* TODO: enumerateBranchNames

* TODO: goed tekenen, met zeshoeken en goede plaatjes/kleuren

* TODO: call the emc spindle interface code here to change speed.

* TODO: XXX: make this more efficient

* TODO: get console from display target

* TODO: package jaugment2.icq;

* TODO: execute keyboard input

* TODO: see glLightModel, GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, 4th value in spot position

* TODO: test for functionality of cm.spid

* TODO: Make them use the Qt color palette

* TODO: This doesn't check the headers at all. Al it does

* TODO: use an AdvanceWhileChar function in our tokenizer to eliminate dups

* TODO: finish TJvxHTMLSelectTest.TestElements;

* TODO: Add your message

* TODO: the 1-point test for other points

* TODO: do we really want this here ?

* TODO: (GJ) When you changed anything, these two lines will give a segfault

* TODO: perform and per-thread initialization here

* TODO: implement undo/redo

* TODO: Override put to check type

* TODO: Test => mehr als eine Position in Angebot, Bestellsumme > 0

* TODO: I cannot define this here permanently because it will require,

* TODO: If there are multiple matches then we must pick the

* TODO: (#pf) we need to solve problem between click and double

* TODO: Potential charset problem when not Base64 protected

* TODO: allow arbitrary arguments for is_compatiple_to()

* TODO: add this also to panel-dependent as soon as vfs support the display of search-results

* TODO: These are only defined until the correct mapping can be determined.

* TODO: replace addressbook_load().

* TODO: Verify we don't exceed maxForwardBdrsPerTransaction?

* TODO: Still using "old" resource access

* TODO: Should be an enum.

* TODO: Add the following functions.

* TODO: Re-evaluate the use of %hosts, possibly remove it entirely

* TODO: should we add an

* TODO: set up the defaults for aw...

* TODO: FAT32 support

* TODO: doesn't work when on staff with even number of lines.

* TODO: should also handle variants of setValue()

* TODO: verify that KWord 1.2 works correctly

* TODO: setting flags

* TODO: How do I check if the value is negative. FontUnit is struct not enum

* TODO: don't call for ENOENT or ENOTDIR?

* TODO: 1) Allow processing of snort alerts from syslog

* TODO: check if current class == member_class

* TODO: write it

* TODO: Try to make this thing work as an array?

* TODO: can we easily get the

* TODO: replace w/ support for more then one listener - when needed

* TODO: public class AlsaPortMixer

* TODO: We need to make it so that the checks below only

* TODO: allow floats in these edit boxes

* TODO: Add TestingClassPersister.IdentifierSpace getter implementation

* TODO: comb. chars & Extenders

* TODO: Support.

* TODO: Document this interface.

* TODO: Need resume support.

* TODO: It would really be nice...

* TODO: Show users real name, not screenname, maybe...-->

* TODO: ;; - Somehow allow cvs-status-tree to work on-the-fly

* TODO: generate a bunch of methods like:


* TODO: This should be used if/when the sprops works with meta libs

* TODO: = Convert to use struts errors

* TODO: class APOP3Authentication(Authentication): pass

* TODO: sort by date

* TODO: Why do we do this?

* TODO: or when a class is accessed ? ).

* TODO: Something" + NL + "\t\t\t}" + NL + "\t\t}" + NL + "\t\treturn ";

* TODO: Kopfkommentar

* TODO: make this optional. no ttl may make sense for some

* TODO: Add in new attribute for error_message

* TODO: check md5 hash

* TODO: KDE4 change base class to KPopupMenu, see KAction::slotPopupActivated()

* TODO: default_hash

* TODO: but, I can't get wx 2.2 to cooperate

* TODO: Enable FP regs - done early in start_parisc() now

* TODO: test if other databases do the same

* TODO: check if libpng is really in QTCore lib #

* TODO: outline define) 0xd30e

* TODO: if this attribute is a special attribute

* TODO: does this make sense for just changing the status of a part?

* TODO: generate() used to generate code for

* TODO: modify for nebu_rect

* TODO: pass location on page too

* TODO: save chat log?

* TODO: Move this out to board specific code

* TODO: let the user decide which constants to use: define="x=y"

* TODO: Add Error Handeling

* TODO: must save all documents before closing

* TODO: $Log: pgpMisc.tcl,v $

* TODO: CRC, multisection

* TODO: How to implement this?

* TODO: with values appearing from the stream. These tasks are

* TODO: fix relative?

* TODO: Deal with edge overlap.

* TODO: perhaps we need to copy this so it doesn't change during the lifecycle

* TODO: Ugly, use similar method that server uses

* TODO: put back sophisticated movement

* TODO: Remove the error code handling)

* TODO: ;;; * currently, in bracket matching one may need a non-bracket

* TODO: need to check rgba?

* TODO: Optimize using lower_bound and insertion hints

* TODO: Corriger warning: assignment to `long unsigned int' from `double'

* TODO: get real names for struct:

* TODO: int32 labels

* TODO: remove redundant passing of node

* TODO: make these work properly!!

* TODO: what to use as error-location when inserting expression?

* TODO: put in ASM

* TODO: Racecondition: comments

* TODO: GET_Fahrstufe

* TODO: fix this!!!

* TODO: can this be combined with auth_aclcheck to avoid duplicate code?

* TODO: ((IDataParameterCollection)query.Parameters).Add("shema",current_schema);

* TODO: check file size for 3d texture?

* TODO: Vary the period and try other MA models

* TODO: insert argument list

* TODO: improve error handling

* TODO: blank all fields when disabling them.

* TODO: cut too many messages

* TODO: EasyMock??

* TODO: Not tested

* TODO: put in cell class information

* TODO: authentication

* TODO: determine if added on branch and if so add directory

* TODO: move start and endMapping call to the mappers

* TODO: exceptions handling

* TODO: This method is not used and should be removed. amb

* TODO: cleanup this, including the location of the hidden livehelp frame.

* TODO: Necessary? New chart could use old strings, API users

* TODO: TODO(BIC): make this virtual. For now use virtual hook.

* TODO: Instead Named use TLdapEntry here! }

* TODO: Implement user-defined flags

* TODO: implement Diagnostics

* TODO: optimize all this. passing device_color_t structures around by value is

* TODO: Disable the menu item

* TODO: check for multiple desks.

* TODO: glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);

* TODO: allow a compile time default here

* TODO: move these to a common place, perhaps the top of the file.

* TODO: should check contents of clipboard

* TODO: Need to handle i18n with areas

* TODO: localize: Remove from favorites";

* TODO: Need to get stylesheet Locator from here.

* TODO: disable send by JMS menu item

* TODO: vertical placement

* TODO: pass this in instead?

* TODO: Stubbed functionality

* TODO: check for and evluate multiboot information

* TODO: Separate IO-Base for second controller (see sl811.c)

* TODO: make this be more intelligent about ranges.

* TODO: xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler

* TODO: , display current world title in GUI, option to open dialog

* TODO: support db-specific extensions, like MATCH AGAINST or REGEX

* TODO: how do we sync definition of Chroma in dirac_parser.cpp

* TODO: xml_get_error_code

* TODO: find more player keys

* TODO: better handling of errors

* TODO: Change to use glob instead of Global singleton! What about performance? Put variable into Global?

* TODO: ڴ³ʼ

* TODO: Move to StringUtils...

* TODO: what are the first two args for? -> .NET doc

* TODO: hack Perl embedding code so that we use Perl's print instead of

* TODO: find out what this means

* TODO: is there any compelling reason to get the nodes in

* TODO: Add parameter to exclude filepath

* TODO: deal with dbSource property

* TODO: some sources say to divide by N, some by N-1. why?!

* TODO: Remove this hack when initialization order (or

* TODO: let IRC users authorize themselves and then give them a

* TODO: To keep UnitsInStock accurate, we should do something like:

* TODO: Do we want to restrict the access of sitemap components? (RP)

* TODO: Enter your constructor code here

* TODO: should we also check if it is the active client?

* TODO: Should be done using a setAll() method instead. More "net" friendly!

* TODO: do we want to codify here or should that be separate?

* TODO: Use QDataSink and QDataSource for better loading of files, especially big ones.

* TODO: Implement for iPod

* TODO: This part is suspicious for

* TODO: remove duplicate/redundant sort conditions

* TODO: option to keep dialog onscreen ("persistent" / "transient")

* TODO: check ptrError->Numberformat D.K.

* TODO: some threadsafty should be added to avoid multiple refs with single id to be

* TODO: Use camera created by the child sm or the user, cause the cam could be overloaded

* TODO: may want to start removing mbufs from the end of the list

* TODO: Remove any holidays from the business hours #

* TODO: how does one get the pgsql version?

* TODO: change atom property interface and add

* TODO: have this retry a couple times on error.

* TODO: Switch to a system where threads reuse the results from earlier

* TODO: Do we care about this?

* TODO: On MacOS X default to gui if argv[0] ends in:

* TODO: Consider combining with aurecord.m, with capture indicated by

* TODO: - add parameters (like xml output)

* TODO: Please insert your implementation code "

* TODO: theute: When changing the comment mode, the story "disappears"

* TODO: Changing the Subject/Resource of all involved statements requires some

* TODO: Add SynchElementStream.EndPrefixMapping implementation

* TODO: implement??? with what?

* TODO: Is this UID acceptable?

* TODO: this should probably be removed in favor of a full PixToggleButton.

* TODO: what is this (the unnamed namespace and its content)?

* TODO: explicitly mention that where the error recovery should be done.

* TODO: Clean this up, just moved it here so as not to loose it.

* TODO: Put an example here

* TODO: user_rating.sql

* TODO: support type2 messages already!\n");

* TODO: Should implement an add_buddy callback that removes the buddy

* TODO: is this correct? what if length=0?

* TODO: xml_get_current_line_number

* TODO: uh oh, how do we pass this message back? no biggie for now

* TODO: Bereichsueberpruefung!!

* TODO: is launch an application, lets try that.

* TODO: check doublons

* TODO: why isn't iscinf used ? 2002.04.27, Perry

* TODO: could be used to statore category ?

* TODO: Change popup menu item

* TODO: is this comment still relevant ??

* TODO: : SetMin SetMax SetBase SetInc

* TODO: make a val with the source as its repr.

* TODO: develop these testcases - the email task needs to have attributes allowing

* TODO: Must change this number when adding a new class


* TODO: Qt GUI IDE for Pequel development/execution.

* TODO: Check for collinearity, return segment if appropriate

* TODO: to be strict, are we supposed to take the sinus of

* TODO: optimize this, as it is called much more often than the mob is being updated

* TODO: Only temporary ordered indexes supported

* TODO: Log 3611 and return an appropriate HTTP result when the API is not

* TODO: would be nice to handle proxy classes elegantly!

* TODO: Verify that all platforms handle the fd the same way,

* TODO: Add your own module initialization code here.

* TODO: Rewrite using generics when we move to .NET 2.0

* TODO: Add an option to uncompress packets. This should come quite handy.

* TODO: compile libcube without geom.cpp !!")

* TODO: Improve RLOOKUP by keeping an open hash for keys (need to change

* TODO: My gcc2.96RH needed these typedefs. murrayc.

* TODO: this case should be handled

* TODO: this probably should be replaced by listFiles with a filter that excludes

* TODO: Relation between Transaction Manager and Core Transaction

* TODO: make _irqsave conditional on x86 PCI IDE legacy mode

* TODO: Add more property pages as needed. Remember to increase the count!

* TODO: package jaugment2.java3d.hand;

* TODO: need to handle list creation erros here.

* TODO: get port from configuration

* TODO: This looks a little twisted.

* TODO: Elimination of redundancy: simplifying logical expressions along ANDs, ORs and NOTs

* TODO: Steps 2, 3 and 5 from RFC3490

* TODO: load this paramter from somewhere

* TODO: - error in some test environments suite.addTestSuite(;

* TODO: Replace with GtkStatusIcon after GTK+ 2.10 is released and on enough systems.

* TODO: - figure out errors

* TODO: need to support WML as well)

* TODO: these should be typed for activities.

* TODO: set datetime

* TODO: Delete these three lines if you don't want the toolb

* TODO: Promote files when ZeroUpdate operations can't be merged. This may be a

* TODO: This routine needs more error checking

* TODO: Will the treewalk still work if items are added to or

* TODO: If these methods were made public and static we could use them directly

* TODO: ten warunek trzeba bedzie rozbudowac (szczegolnie jad doszlo FTP gdzie nie ma MIME)

* TODO: add kinematic etc.


* TODO: Document what gets passed to this

* TODO: at some point cm_alp should probably change after a certain

* TODO: keep track of which hostConfigurations have waiting

* TODO: improve this... switch (GET_CTYPE(ptr)) { case TYP_TYPEDEF: {

* TODO: fill in min/max values

* TODO: check threshold

* TODO: Matlab doesn't return reflection coefficients and

* TODO: Determine what data, if any must be written before close.

* TODO: going to ignore the issue of namespacing for the moment

* TODO: This function should return an error code. The preprocessed sting

* TODO: $what[$zz] Result: ";

* TODO: We need a better way to get the KDE konqueror KHTML settings

* TODO: check if the channel exists aswell.

* TODO: Some more docs are to be added about assertion expressions.

* TODO: do some useful things

* TODO: evtl schon in BaseServer implementieren{bool stop = false;

* TODO: Determine if it's worth the time and effort to build a version

* TODO: assert( *pRMUV == ID( 'RMUV' ) );

* TODO: Change to numhash

* TODO: Use a length argument when looking for the tag!

* TODO: better error handling .

* TODO: get real value

* TODO: implement Abort

* TODO: check for symbol_updated event, and check in the nodestatus's hashtable


* TODO: implement user defined properties

* TODO: Support ircu2.10.11's CLEARMODE feature.

* TODO: Fix dox

* TODO: Make this thread safe and reentrant!

* TODO: make this read from config file

* TODO: get rid of the mixe stuff

* TODO: for some reason attribute type int always exist and are set to Integer.MIN_VALUE, WHY ???

* TODO: more user friendly format

* TODO: Investigate further.)

* TODO: that, but at least it works

* TODO: This _could_ really be bad for us!

* TODO: (in order)

* TODO: delete below if no longer needed

* TODO: the handling of literal-valued assertions is currently

* TODO: search for closest colors in the colormap, right now we just

* TODO: allow the user to indicate this using a VCP::Filter::* module.

* TODO: Sub-Characters

* TODO: implement last pixel.

* TODO: dummy

* TODO: ensure that the contents are integers (coerce!) [

* TODO: Verify probepoint is a function entry point

* TODO: xmodmap -e "keysym KP_Enter = Linefeed"

* TODO: Make faster!!

* TODO: just by running a lua string.

* TODO: Do remove macro

* TODO: Always return array?

* TODO: select all of them?

* TODO: test cases to validate inner interfaces with package and protected

* TODO: MS remove fix for DB resource

* TODO: * Merge with _AppKitMapping_NSBitMap.m

* TODO: Timeout on method calls - MCU

* TODO: take some useful args (e.g. -dump-props, -dump-unused-props)

* TODO: add code to check the Derivation Valid (Restriction, Complex) constraint.

* TODO: check types

* TODO: handle f->num_verts==0

* TODO: Handle VT_ARRAY as well

* TODO: This call must be in _constructWindowContents

* TODO: If Harbour will support threads in the future then we need

* TODO: query EVFS to get supported file system types

* TODO: test auth blocks

* TODO: Add tests for options (we currently don't use any options)

* TODO: would probably be good to create a StandardWrapperFacade which covers

* TODO: explain this:

* TODO: optimize this depending on iterator type

* TODO: should value be cached??

* TODO: DEFAULT_LINK_MTU = 1500 is probably too big...

* TODO: Native Input Method support; see x_create_im.

* TODO: While porting to use DiaSvgRenderer I removved all connection point

* TODO: Get shinyness from maya?

* TODO: neighborhood searching

* TODO: Include the others....

* TODO: automatically reset max_level when Length

* TODO: check numericness"""

* TODO: move window save/restore into the window handler

* TODO: Eventually, when there's enough metadata

* TODO: this should not use the name

* TODO: This isn't true.

* TODO: make private again

* TODO: allow dependant fields to have several required values, like {check

* TODO: automatic

* TODO: Wait stable and remove it.

* TODO: add tests?

* TODO: Not yet written

* TODO: Verify if the call is not already in the list before adding it.

* TODO: make default return (64 * 1064);}- (unsigned)spoolDataSizeLimitation { 64MB

* TODO: Allow to show results of staticpage plugins or others

* TODO: register_kbd_action()

* TODO: LED handling should be done at new-API level, not at

* TODO: shouldn't this be more cautious (and reset global_id?)

* TODO: give an error-message

* TODO: nls

* TODO: make this automatic by parsing metadata

* TODO: Missing:

* TODO: improve with a parameter in

* TODO: OpenPSA Calendar handles its URL space how?

* TODO: this should actual save files as paths from this directory where possible

* TODO: figure out if this is used to build Xml strings or will have encoding

* TODO: Get this from config file.

* TODO: Set up a new class for fields and functions strongly connected to GEO?

* TODO: pre-parse all .shader files and create lookup for next stage (use ROGL shader_file_t)

* TODO: This should be a dynamic proxy as well!!

* TODO: Put this in an eval

* TODO: print out sheets not pages and follow ranges

* TODO: I don't believe that this works. The id is not encoded correctly

* TODO: console

* TODO: I think we can replace LISTFIELDS with SHOW COLUMNS [LIKE ...]

* TODO: consider shuffling nearby boundaries.

* TODO: look at prio and weigth. For now use the first

* TODO: don't be lazy - compute the actual area!

* TODO: change name of this property

* TODO: implement this for Xft...

* TODO: where should this really go?

* TODO: In the future we will need to learn to split and join large files

* TODO: this could be integrated into E2 but might be too messy

* TODO: what value for third arg?? (must_dealloc)

* TODO: move all this to the model import procedures (froms & XML)

* TODO: Use Unicode Literal escapes for this, for now, this test is

* TODO: (olivier) unused?

* TODO: still (rare) crashes when updating db and dialog is closed (???)

* TODO: Should this remove the text or not? Tough call; not

* TODO: Currently run() must be called no more than once on the same

* TODO: else choose DIR NOW

* TODO: Have a mechanism by which the ratio of spam and non-spam messages

* TODO: raise error if AutoCommit on => better in DBI?

* TODO: Teach comm module to call object methods directly

* TODO: check if this language replacement code is still neccessary

* TODO: this is duplicated in TreeMarshaller.start()

* TODO: events doen't seem to be propogated.

* TODO: Spawning of windows disabled in spawn()

* TODO: [Test]

* TODO: research mime type usage

* TODO: parse XmlRpcStruct

* TODO: Delete this commented block on stable version.

* TODO: redesign is necessary

* TODO: get list of available encodings

* TODO: Java 1.4.2 doesn't work with a JComboBox in a JPopupMenu

* TODO: Return any drives mentioned by getmntent(3) once getmntent(3)

* TODO: flags

* TODO: check for "normal text" attribute, d

* TODO: doesn't exist in sb-alien yet

* TODO: only load the bundles when necessary and check for conflicting class names

* TODO: 300:o: Perform usmDHUserKeyTable one-time module initialization.

* TODO: If we have a 1MB 5434, we need to put ourselves in a mode where

* TODO: method almost identical with createTestRunnerClient

* TODO: Shouldn't need to know Layout's default size (10/20/89).

* TODO: :externalize ?

* TODO: load correct itemid

* TODO: the thes should be provided a view

* TODO: fork()

* TODO: sho

* TODO: Move to listener

* TODO: Check that removeMenu may never be called without a previous addMenu

* TODO: Add your specialized creation code

* TODO: The correct way would

* TODO: make the default savestring date/timestamp dependent

* TODO: char

* TODO: ̈ʒuɍ\zp̃R[hljĂB

* TODO: should obtain the open perspective action from ActionFactory

* TODO: add config option to this class

* TODO: Handle catch, finally, filter blocks and calls.

* TODO: Technically, this could be factored out from the grammar, since

* TODO: BEAT case: Create items for single beat repeats, i.e. c4 / / /

* TODO: should I use a colorkey on non transparent images ?? slowing things ??

* TODO: Why creating DynAny from the unaliased TypeCode?

* TODO: <SCRIPT et backslashes

* TODO: in some cases, must log communicator operations even if

* TODO: - IMG URLs that don't match /^\

* TODO: Fill the rpm dependencies in the template file.

* TODO: free_capacity -= good.amount * good_attributes[good].size

* TODO: called when configure_first_time returns false ...

* TODO: find other places that should use this meth

* TODO: Poner limite al while

* TODO: armor, or special armor for tough battles

* TODO: create proxy object based on information from

* TODO: thId]);

* TODO: Merge these, gui_port2 doesn't do any mail_msg processing on the request (replies, forwards, frees)

* TODO: It seems that modpy does not use threads, so we don't need to

* TODO: merge into XDescriptors? But thats already huge

* TODO: Add error sound

* TODO: This is ugly. Improve

* TODO: Incorporate testing for ContextMap

* TODO: Despite of IGA Card has advanced graphic acceleration,

* TODO: i think there is a new version of the unicode, which we should use.

* TODO: Am not sure about the logic.

* TODO: Add support for cubic spline segments.

* TODO: r.Synchronize();

* TODO: Implement a better check

* TODO: Should wchar_t be used?

* TODO: Add require check for dynamics

* TODO: allow additional Bindings

* TODO: review whether this is the correct thing to do

* TODO: document the ToglCanvas vs. GlutCanvas issues, as well as

* TODO: try to fetch info from cddb; i18n default value

* TODO: modularity

* TODO: rename these functions

* TODO: CompareInfo Tests

* TODO: basically if the stylesheet uses the same prefix for different

* TODO: This should probably just write the decoded message content out, not the part + headers

* TODO: eliminate flicker when scrolling backwards

* TODO: maybe don't send packets over I2C if packets over bluetooth are sent

* TODO: wirlich inline hier?

* TODO: only do this copy if we have a partial token at the

* TODO: comment this out?

* TODO: Document what the map means.

* TODO: tell the user about the error.

* TODO: start network connection

* TODO: make sure that no user is in this group ...

* TODO: On error, free the stuff we malloc'ed.

* TODO: Extended Operation

* TODO: EBCDIC Better use:

* TODO: Removal of unnecessary parentheses in WHERE Node:

* TODO: The size of the Rectangle is wrong.

* TODO: add cleanup after printing

* TODO: we should also use thickness for computing the clearance

* TODO: But this will be cumbersome to adapt to. -- ortalo

* TODO: char *ctermid(char *);